Estimating 3D trajectories from 2D projections via disjunctive factored four-way conditional restricted Boltzmann machines
Journal Article
Mocanu, D. C., Bou Ammar, H., Puig, L., Eaton, E., & Liotta, A. (2017)
Estimating 3D trajectories from 2D projections via disjunctive factored four-way conditional restricted Boltzmann machines. Pattern Recognition, 69, 325-335.
Estimation, recognition, and near-future prediction of 3D trajectories based on their two dimensional projections available from one camera source is an exceptionally difficul...
An Edge-Based Architecture to Support Efficient Applications for Healthcare Industry 4.0
Journal Article
Pace, P., Aloi, G., Gravina, R., Caliciuri, G., Fortino, G., & Liotta, A. (2019)
An Edge-Based Architecture to Support Efficient Applications for Healthcare Industry 4.0. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 15(1), 481-489.
Edge computing paradigm has attracted many interests in the last few years as a valid alternative to the standard cloud-based approaches to reduce the interaction timing and t...
Lightweighted and energy-aware MIKEY-Ticket for e-health applications in the context of internet of things
Journal Article
Abdmeziem, M. R., Tandjaoui, D., & Romdhani, I. (2018)
Lightweighted and energy-aware MIKEY-Ticket for e-health applications in the context of internet of things. International Journal of Sensor Networks, 26(4), 227.
E-health applications have emerged as a promising approach to provide unobtrusive and customizable support to elderly and frail people based on their situation and circumstanc...
Self-Learning Power Control in Wireless Sensor Networks
Journal Article
Chincoli, M., & Liotta, A. (2018)
Self-Learning Power Control in Wireless Sensor Networks. Sensors, 18(2), 1-29.
Current trends in interconnecting myriad smart objects to monetize on Internet of Things applications have led to high-density communications in wireless sensor networks. This...
Decentralized dynamic understanding of hidden relations in complex networks
Journal Article
Mocanu, D. C., Exarchakos, G., & Liotta, A. (2018)
Decentralized dynamic understanding of hidden relations in complex networks. Scientific Reports, 8(1),
Almost all the natural or human made systems can be understood and controlled using complex networks. This is a difficult problem due to the very large number of elements in s...
Security and Routing Scoped IP Multicast Addresses
Conference Proceeding
Romdhani, I., Al-Dubai, A., & Kellil, M. (2009)
Security and Routing Scoped IP Multicast Addresses. In International Conference on Parallel Processing Workshops, 2009. ICPPW '09. , (228-235).
IP multicast is an efficient and scalable network layer delivering method for multimedia content to a large number of receivers across the Internet. It saves the network bandw...
Fuzzy-Based Distributed Protocol for Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communication
Journal Article
Hawbani, A., Torbosh, E., Wang, X., Sincak, P., Zhao, L., & Al-Dubai, A. (2021)
Fuzzy-Based Distributed Protocol for Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communication. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 29(3), 612-626.
This paper modeled the multihop data-routing in Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks(VANET) as Multiple Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) in four steps. First, the criteria which have an i...
Lightweight Reinforcement Learning for Energy Efficient Communications in Wireless Sensor Networks
Journal Article
Savaglio, C., Pace, P., Aloi, G., Liotta, A., & Fortino, G. (2019)
Lightweight Reinforcement Learning for Energy Efficient Communications in Wireless Sensor Networks. IEEE Access, 7, 29355-29364.
High-density communications in wireless sensor networks (WSNs) demand for new approaches to meet stringent energy and spectrum requirements. We turn to reinforcement learning,...
PFARS: Enhancing Throughput and Lifetime of Heterogeneous WSNs through Power-aware Fusion, Aggregation and Routing Scheme
Journal Article
Khan, R., Zakarya, M., Tan, Z., Usman, M., Jan, M. A., & Khan, M. (2019)
PFARS: Enhancing Throughput and Lifetime of Heterogeneous WSNs through Power-aware Fusion, Aggregation and Routing Scheme. International Journal of Communication Systems, 32(18),
Heterogeneous wireless sensor networks (WSNs) consist of resource-starving nodes that face a challenging task of handling various issues such as data redundancy, data fusion, ...
A new probabilistic Linear Exponential Backoff scheme for MANETs
Conference Proceeding
Yassein, M. B., Manaseer, S., Al-hassan, A. A., Taye', Z. A., & Al-Dubai, A. Y. (2010)
A new probabilistic Linear Exponential Backoff scheme for MANETs. In 2010 IEEE International Symposium on Parallel & Distributed Processing, Workshops and Phd Forum (IPDPSW)doi:10.1109/ipdpsw.2010.5470789
Broadcasting is an essential operation in Mobile ad hoc Networks (MANETs) environments. It is used in the initial phase of route discovery process in many reactive protocols. ...