34 results

Building a new nation: risk, goverance and trust.

Presentation / Conference
Buchanan, W. J. (2013, January)
Building a new nation: risk, goverance and trust. Presented at Cyber Security 2013, Edinburgh
This presentation outlines some of the opportunities and threats that Scotland faces within an Information Age.

Metric Evaluation of Embedded Java-Based Proxies on Handheld Devices in Cluster-Based Ad Hoc Routing

Conference Proceeding
Migas, N., & Buchanan, W. J. (2005)
Metric Evaluation of Embedded Java-Based Proxies on Handheld Devices in Cluster-Based Ad Hoc Routing. In The 2005 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation. , (147-154). https://doi.org/10.1109/ecbs.2005.51
Ad-hoc wireless networks, which use ad-hoc routing methods may prove a good solution in certain applications, especially where networks have to be constructed where there is n...

Enhancing network management using mobile agents.

Conference Proceeding
Buchanan, W. J., Naylor, M., & Scott, A. (2000)
Enhancing network management using mobile agents. In Engineering of Computer Based Systems, 2000. (ECBS 2000) Proceedings. Seventh IEEE International Conference and Workshop on the, 218-226. https://doi.org/10.1109/ECBS.2000.839880
Agent mobility addresses some limitations faced by classic client/server architecture, namely, in minimising bandwidth consumption, in supporting adaptive network load balanci...

Applications of Blockchain Within Healthcare.

Journal Article
Bell, L., Buchanan, W. J., Cameron, J., & Lo, O. (2018)
Applications of Blockchain Within Healthcare. Blockchain in Healthcare Today,
There are several areas of healthcare and well-being that could be enhanced using blockchain technologies. These include device tracking, clinical trials, pharmaceutical traci...

Interagency data exchange, privacy protection and governance architecture for Information sharing across domains

Working Paper
Buchanan, W. J., Fan, L., Uthmani, O., & Schafer, B. Interagency data exchange, privacy protection and governance architecture for Information sharing across domains

Buchanan, W. J., Fan, L., Uthmani, O., & Schafer, B. Interagency data exchange, privacy protection and governance architecture for Information sharing across domains
This paper discusses privacy enhancing technologies in the field of inter-agency data sharing, a key government objective for efficient public service delivery. We analyse the...

Towards a new health and social care information sharing architecture.

Presentation / Conference
Buchanan, W. J. (2012, May)
Towards a new health and social care information sharing architecture
This presentation outlines the integration of the safi.re information sharing architecture.

Towards a framework for the generation of enhanced attack/background network traffic for evaluation of network-based intrusion detection systems

Conference Proceeding
Lo, O. C. W., Graves, J. R., & Buchanan, W. J. (2010)
Towards a framework for the generation of enhanced attack/background network traffic for evaluation of network-based intrusion detection systems. In J. Demergis (Ed.), Proceedings of 9th European Conference on Information Warfare and Security. , (190-200
There are a multitude of threats faced in computer networks such as viruses, worms, trojans, attempted user privilege gain, data theft and denial of service attacks. To combat...

Ad-hoc routing metrics and applied weighting for QoS support

Conference Proceeding
Migas, N., & Buchanan, W. J. (2008)
Ad-hoc routing metrics and applied weighting for QoS support. In 22nd IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium. , (1-8). https://doi.org/10.1109/IPDPS.2008.4536496
In the vast majority of ad-hoc routing protocols, the hop-counting mechanisms for identifying the optimal route are dominant. However, this approach oversimplifies such a comp...

A new efficient distributed route discovery for wireless mobile ad hoc networks.

Conference Proceeding
Bani Khalaf, M., Al-Dubai, A., & Buchanan, W. J. (2012)
A new efficient distributed route discovery for wireless mobile ad hoc networks. In Wireless Telecommunications Symposium (WTS), 2012, (1-6). https://doi.org/10.1109/WTS.2012.6266129
High performance group communication, such as broadcast, requires matching efficient broadcast algorithms to effective route discovery approach. Broadcast communication in MAN...

Enhanced Methods of Coursework Provision in Computer Networks.

Conference Proceeding
Buchanan, W. J., & Saliou, L. (2005)
Enhanced Methods of Coursework Provision in Computer Networks. In ITRE 2004. 2nd International Conference Information Technology: Research and Education, 111-115. https://doi.org/10.1109/ITRE.2004.1393657
Many computing-related programmes and modules have many problems caused with large class sizes, large-scale plagiarism, module franchising, and an increasing requirement from ...