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41 results

What's the Point of Film School, or, What did Beaconsfield Film Studios ever do for the Scottish film industry?

Scott, A. J. (2008)
What's the Point of Film School, or, What did Beaconsfield Film Studios ever do for the Scottish film industry?. In J. Murray, F. Farley, & R. Stoneman (Eds.), Scottish Cinema Now, 206-221. Cambridge Scholars Publishing
This is an essay which examines the role of the UK National Film and TV School, Beaconsfield, in nurturing Scottish film-makers in the period 1970-2005. It looks back at the h...

Projects for multi-disciplinary teams: engaging students across design disciplines in a shared undergraduate first year curriculum.

Presentation / Conference
Lambert, I., & Firth, R. (2010, May)
Projects for multi-disciplinary teams: engaging students across design disciplines in a shared undergraduate first year curriculum. Paper presented at Cumulus 10: Borderline - Pushing Design over the limit., Genk, Belgium
On undergraduate design courses at Edinburgh Napier University, two thirds of the first year curriculum is shared. Working in open studios, students are able to gain awareness...

Re-constructing “culture of learning” – international student experiences in China and the UK.

Conference Proceeding
Foster, M., Macdonald, I., Firth, R., & Zhou, V. (2014)
Re-constructing “culture of learning” – international student experiences in China and the UK
Following previous Teaching Fellows funding to undertake a joint research project between Business School and the School of Arts & Creative Industries we would like to present...

Introducing 'Detective McLevy’s Casebook' and the Napier Big Read Campaign

Presentation / Conference
Gray, A. (2018, April)
Introducing 'Detective McLevy’s Casebook' and the Napier Big Read Campaign. Presented at Crime Fiction(s): Victorian and Neo-Victorian Narratives of Crime and Punishment, Edinburgh
NO abstract available.

Reading about crime and punishment, prison volunteering and employability for literary studies graduates

Presentation / Conference
Schwan, A. (2012, May)
Reading about crime and punishment, prison volunteering and employability for literary studies graduates. Paper presented at The Higher Education Academy Arts and Humanities Annual Conference, Glasgow, Scotland
No abstract available.

Empowering Students Through Reading Diaries

Presentation / Conference
Schwan, A., & Wasson, S. (2008, December)
Empowering Students Through Reading Diaries. Paper presented at English Subject Centre Conference 'Beyond the Essay', Northumbria University
No abstract available.

Using reading diaries in independent learning.

Wasson, S. (2014)
Using reading diaries in independent learning. In L. Thomson (Ed.), Compedium of effective practice in directed independent learning, 130-132. QAA HIgher Education Academy
Reading diaries (and optional ‘reading question’ diary prompts) are used to encourage year three English, and English and Film BA (Hons), students to develop their self-direct...

Conversation, Collaboration, Credit: The Graduate Researcher in the Digital Scholarly Environment

Journal Article
Powell, D. J., Bouchard, M., Galgleish, M., Keenan, A., McLeod, A., & Thomson, T. (2012)
Conversation, Collaboration, Credit: The Graduate Researcher in the Digital Scholarly Environment. Digital Studies / Le champ numérique, 4,
The humanities are undergoing profound shifts in the nature of the processes used to produce scholarly work. As this migration to digital practices is increasingly accepted at...

Sand Casting on the Beach - Introducing Traditional Making Skills, Materials and Process through Play and Experimentation.

Presentation / Conference
Firth, R., & Stoltenberg, E. (2015, September)
Sand Casting on the Beach - Introducing Traditional Making Skills, Materials and Process through Play and Experimentation. Paper presented at 17th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ENGINEERING AND PRODUCT DESIGN EDUCATION, Loughborough, UK
Within the higher education (HE) product design field, many researchers stress the importance for students to recognise and value the relationship between practical 3D object-...

Reflections on Students’ Experiences of Practical Group Projects in Media Production Education

Macleod, K. (2016)
Reflections on Students’ Experiences of Practical Group Projects in Media Production Education. In Innovations in Learning and Teaching, 91-106. Edinburgh: Merchiston Publishing
This chapter evaluates students' experiences of group work in media production education and investigates strategies for effective teaching and learning in that context. Worki...