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901 results

A research agenda for metaheuristic standardization.

Presentation / Conference
Hart, E., & Sim, K. (2015, June)
A research agenda for metaheuristic standardization. Paper presented at 11th Metaheuristics International Conference, Agadir, Morocco
We propose that the development of standardized, explicit, machine-readable descriptions of metaheuris- tics will greatly advance scientific progress in the field. In particul...

The importance of the individual encoding in memetic algorithms with diversity control applied to large Sudoku puzzles

Conference Proceeding
Segura, C., Segredo, E., & Miranda, G. (2017)
The importance of the individual encoding in memetic algorithms with diversity control applied to large Sudoku puzzles. In 2017 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC).
In recent years, several memetic algorithms with explicit mechanisms to delay convergence have shown great promise when solving 9x9 Sudoku puzzles. This paper analyzes and ext...

Investigating communicating sequential processes for Java to support ubiquitous computing

Chalmers, K. (2009)
Investigating communicating sequential processes for Java to support ubiquitous computing. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University. Retrieved from
Ubiquitous Computing promises to enrich our everyday lives by enabling the environment to be enhanced via computational elements. These elements are designed to augment and su...

Approaches to the classification of high entropy file fragments.

Journal Article
Penrose, P., Macfarlane, R., & Buchanan, W. J. (2013)
Approaches to the classification of high entropy file fragments. Digital Investigation, 10(4), 372-384.
In this paper we propose novel approaches to the problem of classifying high entropy file fragments. We achieve 97% correct classification for encrypted fragments and 78% for ...

Is stereotyping inevitable when designing with personas?

Journal Article
Turner, P., & Turner, S. (2011)
Is stereotyping inevitable when designing with personas?. Design Studies, 32, 30-44.
User representations are central to user-centred design, personas being one of the more recent developments. However, such descriptions of people risk stereotyping. We review ...

In cybersecurity, the weakest link is … you

Buchanan, W. J. (2014)
In cybersecurity, the weakest link is … you
A chain is only as strong as its weakest link. Computer security relies on a great number of links, hardware, software and something else altogether: you. The greatest threat ...

Will quantum computers be the end of public key encryption?

Journal Article
Buchanan, W., & Woodward, A. (2016)
Will quantum computers be the end of public key encryption?. Journal of Cyber Security Technology, 1(1), 1-22.
The emergence of practical quantum computers poses a significant threat to the most popular public key cryptographic schemes in current use. While we know that the well-unders...

From crime to court - an experience report of a digital forensics group project module.

Presentation / Conference
Leimich, P., Ferguson, I., & Coull, N. (2014, November)
From crime to court - an experience report of a digital forensics group project module. Paper presented at HEA Teaching Computer Forensics Workshop, Sunderland, UK
This paper discusses the large-scale group project undertaken by BSc Hons Digital Forensics students at Abertay University in their penultimate year. The philosophy of the pro...

Distributed healthcare framework using patient-centric role-based security modelling and workflow

Symes, M. (2008)
Distributed healthcare framework using patient-centric role-based security modelling and workflow. (Dissertation). Edinburgh Napier University. Retrieved from
Healthcare professionals are spending less time with patients and more time on administrative duties (Royal College of Nursing, 2008). This is due to a high bureaucratic deman...

Trust-aware and Cooperative Routing Protocol for IoT Security

Journal Article
Djedjig, N., Tandjaoui, D., Medjek, F., & Romdhani, I. (2020)
Trust-aware and Cooperative Routing Protocol for IoT Security. Journal of Information Security and Applications, 52,
The resource-constrained nature of IoT objects makes the Routing Protocol for Low-power and Lossy Networks (RPL) vulnerable to several attacks. Although RPL specification prov...