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590 results

Conceptualizing the Behavioral Barriers to CSR and CS in Organizations: A Typology of HRD Interventions

Journal Article
Garavan, T. N., Heraty, N., Rock, A., & Dalton, E. (2010)
Conceptualizing the Behavioral Barriers to CSR and CS in Organizations: A Typology of HRD Interventions. Advances in developing human resources, 12(5), 587-613.
A considerable body of research exists on corporate social responsibility (CSR) and corporate sustainability (CS). However, there is significantly less on the influence of emp...

Student beliefs as barriers to articulation

Conference Proceeding
Meharg, D., & Craighill, S. (2015)
Student beliefs as barriers to articulation. In 2014 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE) Proceedings.
Eccles et al.’s ‘Expectancy-Value Model of Achievement Motivation’ (2000) states that ‘an individual’s choice, persistence, and performance can be explained by their beliefs a...

Inclusive design in industry: motivations and barriers

Journal Article
Dong, H., Keates, S., & Clarkson, J. (2003)
Inclusive design in industry: motivations and barriers. ACM SIGCAPH Computers and the Physically Handicapped, 9-10.
The aim of this research is to identify the motivations for, and barriers obstructing, the adoption of inclusive design practices within industry. The working processes of a n...

Access to HIV/AIDS or TB care among refugees in Kampala, Uganda: exploring the enablers and barriers during the COVID-19 pandemic

Journal Article
Palattiyil, G., Kisaakyeb, P., Mwenyango, H., Katongole, S., Mulekya, F., Sidhva, D., …Bukuluki, P. (2022)
Access to HIV/AIDS or TB care among refugees in Kampala, Uganda: exploring the enablers and barriers during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Migration and Health, 5, Article 100098.
The rapid spread of COVID-19 has overwhelmed the existing health care systems, finding it challenging to provide essential health services besides the COVID-19 response interv...

Likes, dislikes, supports and barriers: the experience of students with disabilities in university in Ireland

Journal Article
Spassiani, N. A., Ó Murchadha, N., Clince, M., Biddulph, K., Conradie, P., Costello, F., …Tully, K. (2017)
Likes, dislikes, supports and barriers: the experience of students with disabilities in university in Ireland. Disability and Society, 32(6), 892-912.
There are more students with disabilities going to college than ever before. It is important that colleges understand the experiences of students with disabilities when in uni...

Cancer survivors' exercise barriers, facilitators and preferences in the context of fatigue, quality of life and physical activity participation: a questionnaire-survey: Cancer survivors' exercise barriers

Journal Article
Blaney, J. M., Lowe-Strong, A., Rankin-Watt, J., Campbell, A., & Gracey, J. H. (2013)
Cancer survivors' exercise barriers, facilitators and preferences in the context of fatigue, quality of life and physical activity participation: a questionnaire-survey: Cancer survivors' exercise barriers. Psycho-Oncology, 22(1), 186-194.
ObjectiveTo investigate the exercise barriers, facilitators and preferences of a mixed sample of cancer survivors as well as fatigue levels, quality of life (QoL) and the freq...

Developing management of privatisation: an empirical study on the barriers hindering implementation of the programme in Saudi Arabia and a proposed efficient model

Al-Buridi, A. M. Developing management of privatisation: an empirical study on the barriers hindering implementation of the programme in Saudi Arabia and a proposed efficient model. (Thesis)
Edinburgh Napier University. Retrieved from
In 1997 the Saudi Government took a forward step to implement privatisation and to promote the process and its implementation in different public enterprises. They issued vari...

Foundation level barriers to the widespread adoption of digital solutions by care homes: Insights from three Scottish studies

Journal Article
Johnston, L., Koikkalainen, H., Anderson, L., Lapok, P., Lawson, A., & Shenkin, S. D. (2022)
Foundation level barriers to the widespread adoption of digital solutions by care homes: Insights from three Scottish studies. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(12), Article 7407.
The care home sector has great potential to benefit from technological innovations, and to be at the forefront of developing novel digital solutions to improve the experiences...

Perceived benefits of and barriers to Building Information Modelling (BIM) implementation in construction: The case of Hong Kong

Journal Article
Chan, D. W., Olawumi, T., & Ho, A. M. (2019)
Perceived benefits of and barriers to Building Information Modelling (BIM) implementation in construction: The case of Hong Kong. Journal of Building Engineering, 25, Article 100764.
BIM has experienced an increasing appeal in its adoption and implementation in the built environment worldwide in recent years. The current research study aims to identify and...

The ‘employability gap’: long-term unemployment and barriers to work in buoyant labour markets.

Journal Article
McQuaid, R. W., & Lindsay, C. (2002)
The ‘employability gap’: long-term unemployment and barriers to work in buoyant labour markets. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 20, 613-629.
We analyse the main barriers limiting the employability of long-term unemployed job seekers within a local labour market characterised by generally high levels of demand. We u...


38 results

Exploring Barriers Faced By Social Enterprises in Scotland

2024 - 2025
This project is a follow up activity from the initial research conducted by the Social Value Lab (2023), commissioned by the Social Enterprise Scotland. This research project seeks to identify and ana...
Funder: Social Enterprise Scotland | Value: £5,482

No Barriers to Success: Safe space as a vehicle to promote personal and or career transitions for BAME OTs and Managers.

2021 - 2023
Outline Proposal due 7 May 2021. If sccessful will be invited to submit full bid by 16 July, Very little is known about the barriers that prevent BAME Occupational Therapists (OT) from achieving aca...
Funder: The Elizabeth Casson Trust | Value: £4,000

Barriers & drivers of engagement in workplace learning

2010 - 2013
Study of use of Stated Preference to investigate Barriers and Drivers of Engagement in Workplace Learning
Funder: UK Commission for Employment and Skills | Value: £58,550

ENABLE Breaking Barriers Skills Development

2021 - 2022
To provide a short 8 week business study course for people with learning disabilities. The course requires to have accreditation.
Funder: Enable Scotland

Work-life Balance in the UK and Japan

2004 - 2005
Pressures for economic growth coupled with sociological changes in the workforce have led many industrialized countries to adopt measures to facilitate balance between work and domestic responsibiliti...
Value: £1,000

Makar - Dowel-Laminated Timber (DLT) Research Proposal

2014 - 2015
The project will result in the use and application of an innovative low carbon timber construction technology. The project will demonstrate the products carbon benefits, overcome the technical barrie...
Funder: Scottish Funding Council | Value: £28,984

An exploration of attitudes and perceptions of Irish freight operators toward adopting Bio-Methane fuelled vehicles

2022 - 2023
Aim and objectives Evaluate attitudes and antecedents toward adoption of vehicle technology for biomethane systems. Identify drivers, barriers, and potential policy support mechanisms. Develop a fr...
Funder: The Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport

Qatar National Research Fund - Leveraging the 2022 Qatar World Football Cup for the promotion of green and active living. A multiple stakeholder evaluation of strategic options

2013 - 2016
Generate an audit of current activities of various Qatari based institutions (public, private and voluntary sectors) linked to the promotion of green and active living via events. Elicit constructive ...
Funder: Qatar National Research Fund | Value: £40,512

MRes Scholarships in Digital Health - Does implementation of an electronic prescribing system in Critical Care reduce risk, improve quality of care and patient safety.

2019 - 2021
The aim of this study is to explore the perceptions and experiences of the implementation, management and use electronic prescribing systems in the hospital setting with a focus on Critical Care Units...
Funder: Digital Health Institute | Value: £7,387

The evolution of social networking and its impact on Career Management Skills

2014 - 2018
In his thesis The role of networking and social media tools during job search: an information behaviour perspective Mowbray explores job search networking amongst 16-24 year olds living in Scotland, a...
Funder: Economic and Social Research Council | Value: £59,401


Qualification level

17 results

Identifying barriers to the implementation of bus policy at a local level in Great Britain using a decision support framework

2015 - 2018
Transport policies are developed to manage the social, environmental and ec...
Dr Clare McTigue | Director of Studies: Prof Tom Rye | Second Supervisor: Dr Jason Monios

Developing management of privatisation: an empirical study on the barriers hindering implementation of the programme in Saudi Arabia and a proposed efficient model

2004 - 2008
In 1997 the Saudi Government took a f...
Abdularahman Buridi | Director of Studies: Prof Naren Gupta

Addressing barriers and inequalities in hearing technology use and hearing health care uptake

2023 - date
Millie Kirkwood | Director of Studies: Dr Adele Goman | Second Supervisor: Dr Alison Porter-Armstrong

The Many Barriers and Limitations to Ethnic Minority Entrepreneurship

2020 - date
Segun Adenusi | Director of Studies: Dr Fawad Khaleel | Second Supervisor: Dr Kiril Sharapov

Barriers and Enablers to a Circular Economy in Small Island Destinations: The Case of the Orkney Islands, Scotland

2019 - date
Angelo Sciacca | Director of Studies: Dr Constantia Anastasiadou | Second Supervisor: Dr Gavin Urie

Exploring entrepreneurship and organizational culture in a higher education context

2011 - 2015
The United Kingdom Higher Education sector is undergoing a prolonged period of turbulence in its external environment...
Dr Steven Logie | Director of Studies: Dr Janice McMillan | Second Supervisor: Dr Jacqueline Brodie

An analysis of sustainable leadership challenges and prospects in Scottish Higher Education

2012 - 2020
The aim of this PhD thesis is to explore the challenges in and prospects for achieving sustainable leadership...
Dr Laura Gerard | Director of Studies: Dr Janice McMillan | Second Supervisor: Norma D'Annunzio-Green

Learning and development at work: opportunities and barriers for non-registered clinical staff in NHS Scotland

2002 - 2008
The non-registered assistant workforce in the National Health Service Scotland (NHSS) has ...
Dr Deborah McCraw | Director of Studies: Prof Anne Munro | Second Supervisor: Gillian Raab

2002 - 2007
Energy is undoubtedly the driving force at the core of the development of any nation. There is a direct relation between per capita income and energy consumption. The way this energy is produced, supp...
Remeche Madomercandy | Director of Studies: Prof Tariq Muneer | Second Supervisor: Prof Jorge Kubie

Evaluating ALBA: A pragmatic evaluation of a behaviour change intervention designed to increase physical activity to improve mental wellbeing

2016 - 2020
Introduction: Physical activity (PA) is beneficial for impr...
Dr Nicola Peddie | Director of Studies: Dr Tony Westbury | Second Supervisor: Prof Austyn Snowden