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169 results

Exploring routine hospital antenatal care consultations — An ethnographic study

Journal Article
Wright, D., Pincombe, J., & McKellar, L. (2018)
Exploring routine hospital antenatal care consultations — An ethnographic study. Women and Birth, 31(3), e162-e169.
Background Listening to women as part of their antenatal care has been recognized as valuable in understanding the woman’s needs. Conversations as part of routine antenatal in...

Conducting a consultation and clinical assessment of the skin for advanced clinical practitioners

Journal Article
McPhillips, H., Wood, A. F., & Harper-McDonald, B. (2021)
Conducting a consultation and clinical assessment of the skin for advanced clinical practitioners. British Journal of Nursing, 30(21), 1232-1236.
Advanced clinical practitioner (ACP) roles require a broad range of knowledge of both medical and surgical areas and the ability to work autonomously in a variety of settings....

Audio-visual recording of patient–GP consultations for research purposes: A literature review on recruiting rates and strategies

Journal Article
Themessl-Huber, M., Humphris, G., Dowell, J., Macgillivray, S., Rushmer, R., & Williams, B. (2008)
Audio-visual recording of patient–GP consultations for research purposes: A literature review on recruiting rates and strategies. Patient Education and Counseling, 71(2), 157-168.
Objective To identify ethical processes and recruitment strategies, participation rates of studies using audio or video recording of primary health care consultations for rese...

Consultation in out-of-hours practice: a clinical review of Lyme disease

Journal Article
Brydon, S., & MacVicar, S. (2022)
Consultation in out-of-hours practice: a clinical review of Lyme disease. Journal of Prescribing Practice, 4(9),
In recent times, telephone triage and virtual consultation have been expedited in the out-of-hours urgent primary care setting. This brings challenges concerning gaining a com...

Strategy for setted streets: consultation response from Spokes

Taylor, M. (2017)
Strategy for setted streets: consultation response from Spokes. []. Edinburgh
Response to City of Edinburgh Council consultation on the the use of setted cobbles for streets in the city of Edinburgh. A response to the consultation from Spokes Lothian C...

Consultation and clinical assessment for advanced clinical practitioners in sexual health

Journal Article
McPhillips, H., & Wood, A. F. (2022)
Consultation and clinical assessment for advanced clinical practitioners in sexual health. British Journal of Nursing, 31(9), 478-481.
Sexual health is a very important aspect of patient wellbeing, but it is a topic health professionals still find challenging within patient consultations. The incidence of sex...

Developing a longitudinal database of routinely recorded primary care consultations linked to service use and outcome data

Journal Article
Williams, B., Dowell, J., Humphris, G., Themessl-Huber, M., Rushmer, R., Ricketts, I., & Sullivan, F. (2010)
Developing a longitudinal database of routinely recorded primary care consultations linked to service use and outcome data. Social Science and Medicine, 70(3), 473-478.
The primary care consultation provides access to the majority of health care services and is central to obtaining diagnoses, treatment and ongoing management of long-term cond...

Is the routine recording of primary care consultations possible … and desirable? Lessons for researchers from a consultation with multiple stakeholders

Journal Article
Rushmer, R., Themessel-Huber, M., Coyle, J., Humphris, G., Dowell, J., & Williams, B. (2011)
Is the routine recording of primary care consultations possible … and desirable? Lessons for researchers from a consultation with multiple stakeholders. Patient Education and Counseling, 82(2), 247-253.
Objective: To explore stakeholders' attitudes towards routine, longitudinal recording of primary care consultations for research purposes, and to identify legal, ethical, and ...

Preclinic telephone consultations: an observational cohort study

Journal Article
O'Byrne, L., Roberts, N., & Partridge, M. (2012)
Preclinic telephone consultations: an observational cohort study. Clinical Medicine, 12(2), 140-145.
Patients referred to secondary care for specialist respiratory review frequently undergo multiple hospital attendances for investigations and consultations. This study evaluat...

Reflection on practice: Consultation skills

Journal Article
McLeish, L., & Snowden, A. (2017)
Reflection on practice: Consultation skills. Nurse Prescribing, 15(12), 600-604.
The aim of this case study is to illustrate how prescribing decisions can be enhanced through the use of systematic consultation, reflection on practice and relevant informati...


19 results

Consultation & Evaluation of Local PACE Partnerships

2015 - 2016
Consultation & Evaluation of Local PACE Partnerships
Funder: Skills Development Scotland | Value: £26,427

Development of a patient Concern Inventory in Brain Cancer Patients for outpatient consultation

2013 - 2015
This research project will undertake focus groups with glioma patients to explore the concerns they would like to discuss in outpatient neuro-oncology medical consultations. It will aim to identify co...
Funder: Edinburgh & Lothians Health Foundation | Value: £9,428

Scholarly Edition of Scottish Scene

2023 - 2024
RATIONALE Scottish Scene was first published by Jarrolds in 1934. Widely reviewed at the time, it quickly became one of the most controversial texts of the Scottish literary renaissance of the early d...
Funder: Royal Society of Edinburgh | Value: £3,102

Visualisation of Metadata in 2D/3D Digital Cuneiform Artefacts

2022 - 2023
Cuneiform is an ancient writing system that was first used in around 3400 BC (Finkel & Taylor, 2015). Distinguished by its 3D imprinted, wedge-shaped reed marks on clay tablets, cuneiform script is o...
Funder: Arts & Humanities Research Council | Value: £4,909

AWARENESS (Co-ordination Action)

2010 - 2013
For latest news and events, please see the project webpage here Awareness is a Coordination Action (CA), supporting research under the FP7: FET Proactive Intiative:Self-Awareness in Autonomic Systems...
Funder: European Commission | Value: £487,925

The influence of hegemonic masculinity on dietary preferences for meat. A cross-sectional study of adult men in Scotland.

2018 - 2019
The aim of this research is to examine the effects of hegemonic masculinity on meat consumption and willingness to adopt a more plant based diet. Hegemonic masculinity refers to socially prescribed no...
Funder: Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland | Value: £4,674

Equality Issues in Scotland: a review of recent research

2008 - 2008
The ERI reviewed available statistics/research evidence on equalities in Scotland. This review summarises the evidence on a range of policy themes focusing on: race/ethnicity, disability, gender, age,...
Value: £1,000

Exploring the patterns of decision-making that influence self-management

2014 - 2015
Exploring the presentation, experiences and patterns of decision making that influence self-management following attendance at an Unscheduled Care consultation.
Funder: NHS Borders | Value: £19,825

In Our Hands

2022 - 2023
Following on from last year's Road to COP26 Innovation Programme with British Council Nepal, Kathmandu University and applied Arts Scotland, a revised version is planned for 2022 and the invitation to...
Funder: British Council | Value: £3,388

JIGSAW-E: Joint implementation of Guidelines for Osteoarthritis in Western Europe

2018 - 2018
In the EU OA is primarily managed in primary care, yet delivery of quality OA care is highly variable within and between countries. International guidelines for OA recommend core treatments, such as ...
Funder: European Commission | Value: £15,849


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