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28 results

Virtual Rehabilitation: XR Design for Senior Users in Immersive Exergame Environments

Conference Proceeding
Charisis, V., Khan, S., AlTarteer, S., & Lagoo, R. (in press)
Virtual Rehabilitation: XR Design for Senior Users in Immersive Exergame Environments.
The global ageing population presents significant challenges, with healthcare systems strained to meet the needs of an increasingly elderly demographic. Societies face issues ...

Augmented Reality AI Co-Driver: Impact on Drivers Perceived Experience and Safety

Conference Proceeding
Charissis, V. (in press)
Augmented Reality AI Co-Driver: Impact on Drivers Perceived Experience and Safety. In Proceedings of the International Display Workshops (IDW '23)
This project investigates the use of an AI codriver that could support the driver's decision-making process. The information is presented through AR HUD and audio. The evaluat...

Can Gamification Improve User Experience (UX) of Servitization in the Financial and Construction Sector?

Conference Proceeding
Khan, M. S., Charissis, V., & Harrison, D. K. (2022)
Can Gamification Improve User Experience (UX) of Servitization in the Financial and Construction Sector?. In HCI International 2022 - Late Breaking Papers. Interaction in New Media, Learning and Games (592-603).
The monetisation of the provision of consumer services rather than products is advantageous and leads to higher profit margins for the providing companies in comparison to the...

Servitization Through VR Serious Games: From Manufacturing to Consumer Electronics

Conference Proceeding
Charissis, V., Khan, M. S., & Harrison, D. K. (2022)
Servitization Through VR Serious Games: From Manufacturing to Consumer Electronics. In HCI International 2022 - Late Breaking Papers. Interaction in New Media, Learning and Games (545-555).
The provision of services instead of the actual products is becoming a major area of interest for the products provision companies involved in the manufacturing, electronics a...

A New Approach for Patent Use in Student Design Engineering Projects

Conference Proceeding
Maclachlan, R., Wodehouse, A., & Vasantha, G. (2018)
A New Approach for Patent Use in Student Design Engineering Projects. In Design Education: Diversity or Conformity? Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education (E&PDE18)
This paper presents a new philosophy for patent use in student design projects; patents are more valuable when viewed as creative and learning resources rather than as a list ...

A Probabilistic Design Reuse Index

Conference Proceeding
Vasantha, G., Sherlock, A., Corney, J., & Quigley, J. (2018)
A Probabilistic Design Reuse Index. In ASME 2018 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference
The benefits of being able to create a number of product variations from a limited range of components, or sub-assemblies, are widely recognized. Indeed it is clear that compa...

Feature-preserving detailed 3D face reconstruction from a single image

Conference Proceeding
Li, Y., Ma, L., Fan, H., & Mitchell, K. (2018)
Feature-preserving detailed 3D face reconstruction from a single image. In CVMP '18 Proceedings of the 15th ACM SIGGRAPH European Conference on Visual Media Production
Dense 3D face reconstruction plays a fundamental role in visual media production involving digital actors. We improve upon high fidelity reconstruction from a single 2D photo ...

Multi-reality games: an experience across the entire reality-virtuality continuum

Conference Proceeding
Casas, L., Ciccone, L., Çimen, G., Wiedemann, P., Fauconneau, M., Sumner, R. W., & Mitchell, K. (2018)
Multi-reality games: an experience across the entire reality-virtuality continuum. In Proceedings of the VRCAI2018
Interactive play can take very different forms, from playing with physical board games to fully digital video games. In recent years, new video game paradigms were introduced ...

Image Based Proximate Shadow Retargeting

Conference Proceeding
Casas, L., Fauconneau, M., Kosek, M., Mclister, K., & Mitchell, K. (2018)
Image Based Proximate Shadow Retargeting. In Proceedings of Computer Graphics & Visual Computing (CGVC) 2018
We introduce Shadow Retargeting which maps real shadow appearance to virtual shadows given a corresponding deformation of scene geometry, such that appearance is seamlessly ma...

Exploring Musical Creativity through Interactive Cymatics

Conference Proceeding
McGowan, J., Leplatre, G., & McGregor, I. (2017)
Exploring Musical Creativity through Interactive Cymatics. In Proceedings of the 31st International BCS Human Computer Interaction Conference (HCI 2017)
What does music look like? Representation of sound has taken many forms over time, from sinusoidal wave patterns, through to random algorithm-based visualisations based on the...