15 results

Feature-preserving detailed 3D face reconstruction from a single image

Conference Proceeding
Li, Y., Ma, L., Fan, H., & Mitchell, K. (2018)
Feature-preserving detailed 3D face reconstruction from a single image. In CVMP '18 Proceedings of the 15th ACM SIGGRAPH European Conference on Visual Media Productionhttps://doi.org/10.1145/3278471.3278473
Dense 3D face reconstruction plays a fundamental role in visual media production involving digital actors. We improve upon high fidelity reconstruction from a single 2D photo ...

Image Based Proximate Shadow Retargeting

Conference Proceeding
Casas, L., Fauconneau, M., Kosek, M., Mclister, K., & Mitchell, K. (2018)
Image Based Proximate Shadow Retargeting. In Proceedings of Computer Graphics & Visual Computing (CGVC) 2018https://doi.org/10.2312/cgvc.20181206
We introduce Shadow Retargeting which maps real shadow appearance to virtual shadows given a corresponding deformation of scene geometry, such that appearance is seamlessly ma...

GPU-accelerated depth codec for real-time, high-quality light field reconstruction

Journal Article
Koniaris, B., Kosek, M., Sinclair, D., & Mitchell, K. (2018)
GPU-accelerated depth codec for real-time, high-quality light field reconstruction. Proceedings of the ACM on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, 1(1), 1-15. https://doi.org/10.1145/3203193
Pre-calculated depth information is essential for efficient light field video rendering, due to the prohibitive cost of depth estimation from color when real-time performance ...

From Faces to Outdoor Light Probes

Journal Article
Calian, D. A., Lalonde, J., Gotardo, P., Simon, T., Matthews, I., & Mitchell, K. (2018)
From Faces to Outdoor Light Probes. Computer Graphics Forum, 37(2), 51-61. doi:10.1111/cgf.13341
Image‐based lighting has allowed the creation of photo‐realistic computer‐generated content. However, it requires the accurate capture of the illumination conditions, a task n...

Empowerment and embodiment for collaborative mixed reality systems: Empowerment and Embodiment

Journal Article
Pan, Y., Sinclair, D., & Mitchell, K. (2018)
Empowerment and embodiment for collaborative mixed reality systems: Empowerment and Embodiment. Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds, 29(3-4), https://doi.org/10.1002/cav.1838
We present several mixed‐reality‐based remote collaboration settings by using consumer head‐mounted displays. We investigated how two people are able to work together in these...

Compressed Animated Light Fields with Real-time View-dependent Reconstruction

Journal Article
Koniaris, C., Kosek, M., Sinclair, D., & Mitchell, K. (2019)
Compressed Animated Light Fields with Real-time View-dependent Reconstruction. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 25(4), 1666-1680. https://doi.org/10.1109/tvcg.2018.2818156
We propose an end-to-end solution for presenting movie quality animated graphics to the user while still allowing the sense of presence afforded by free viewpoint head motion....

Eidolon 360 – a VR experience

Presentation / Conference
Hood, B., & Flint, T. (2018, March)
Eidolon 360 – a VR experience. Presented at Tangible Embedded Interaction 2018. TEI Arts, Stockholm, Sweden
Art piece displayed at the ACM International Conference on Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction (TEI) exhibition. https://tei.acm.org/2018/

Eidolon360 – A VR Experience

Conference Proceeding
Hood, B., & Flint, T. (2018)
Eidolon360 – A VR Experience. In L. Hall, T. Flint, S. O'Hara, & P. Turner (Eds.), Proceedings of the 31st International BCS Human Computer Interaction Conference (HCI 2017)https://doi.org/10.14236/ewic/HCI2017.63
Eidolon360 is a virtual reality artwork and experience that is interacted with through VR headsets. The viewer, reclining on a bed within the exhibition space, experiences a 3...

Aide Memoire

Conference Proceeding
Flint, T., & Dylan, T. H. (2018)
Aide Memoire. In L. Hall, T. Flint, S. O'Hara, & P. Turner (Eds.), Proceedings of BHCI 2017https://doi.org/10.14236/ewic/HCI2017.69
The Aide Memoire is a fully realised product constructed from discarded testing equipment. Born out of a series of creative sessions exploring the broad theme of interactivity...

SmoothMoves: smooth pursuits head movements for augmented reality.

Conference Proceeding
Abreu Esteves, A., Verweij, D., Suraiya, L., Islam, R., Lee, Y., & Oakley, I. (2017)
SmoothMoves: smooth pursuits head movements for augmented reality. In UIST '17 Proceedings of the 30th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, (167-178). https://doi.org/10.1145/3126594.3126616
SmoothMoves is an interaction technique for augmented reality (AR) based on smooth pursuits head movements. It works by computing correlations between the movements of on-scre...