Structure versus function: a topological perspective on immune networks
Journal Article
Hart, E., Bersini, H., & Santos, F. (2010)
Structure versus function: a topological perspective on immune networks. Natural Computing, 9(3), 603-624.
Many recent advances have been made in understanding the functional implications of the global topological properties of biological networks through the application of complex...
Computing the State of Specknets: further analysis of an innate immune-inspired model.
Conference Proceeding
Davoudani, D., Hart, E., & Paechter, B. (2008)
Computing the State of Specknets: further analysis of an innate immune-inspired model. In P. Bentley, D. Lee, & S. Jung (Eds.), Artificial Immune Systems, 7th International Conference, ICARIS 2008, Phuket, Thailand, August 2008, Proceedings, 95-106.
Specknets consist of hundreds of miniature devices, which are each capable of processing data and communicating wirelessly across short distances. Such networks, with their gr...