Social exchange, social capital and information sharing in online environments: lessons from three case studies.
Presentation / Conference
Hall, H. & Widen-Wulff, G. (2008, June)
Social exchange, social capital and information sharing in online environments: lessons from three case studies. Paper presented at USE-2008: From information provision to knowledge production, Oulu, Finland
This paper covers the themes of exchange theory, social exchange theory and social capital as related to information and knowledge sharing in online environments. It presents ...
Computerization movements as a frame for E-Government studies.
Presentation / Conference
Davenport, E., & Horton, K. (2005, January)
Computerization movements as a frame for E-Government studies. Paper presented at Social Informatics Workshop: Extending the Contributions of Professor Rob Kling to the Analysis of Computerization Movements, CRITO, The Beckman Center, UC Irvine, USA, March 11-12,