Space, place and memory prosthetics.
Book Chapter
Turner, P. (2008)
Space, place and memory prosthetics. In P. Turner, S. Turner, & E. Davenport (Eds.), Exploration of Space, Technology and Spatiality: Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 183-195. Idea Press.
Recent years have witnessed a number of initiatives to develop technology (“memory prosthetics”) to enhance and extend human memory. Typical of these is “Memories for Life,” w...
Rethinking e-Government Research: The ‘ideology-artefact complex’
Conference Proceeding
Davenport, E., & Horton, K. (2006)
Rethinking e-Government Research: The ‘ideology-artefact complex’. In R. Suomi, R. Cabral, J. F. Hampe, & A. Heikkila (Eds.), Project E-Society: Building Bricks. IFIP International Federation for Information Processing,, 380-391.
The authors present a framework for e-government research that draws heavily on Iacono and Kling’s work on computerization movements. They build on this work by appropriating ...
Inclusion or alienation? computer literacy in a group of older people.
Presentation / Conference
Davenport, E., Turner, P., & Van de Walle, G. (2006, July)
Inclusion or alienation? computer literacy in a group of older people. Paper presented at IFIP 8.2 Working Conference on Social Exclusion--Societal and Organisational Implications for Information Systems, Limerick
Teaching and learning in the VLCC: actions, reactions and emerging practice in a very large computing centre.
Conference Proceeding
Buckner, K., & Davenport, E. (2001)
Teaching and learning in the VLCC: actions, reactions and emerging practice in a very large computing centre. In S. Bagnara, S. Pozzi, A. Rizzo, & P. Wright (Eds.), 11th European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics, 355-360
What happens to human computer interaction when the
walls of a physical teaching laboratory are removed?
We present the case of a very large (and new)
computing centre (VLCC) ...
Internet simulations for teaching, learning and research: an investigation of e-commerce interactions and practice in the Virtual Economy.
Journal Article
Horton, K., Davenport, E., Hall, H., & Rosenbaum, H. (2002)
Internet simulations for teaching, learning and research: an investigation of e-commerce interactions and practice in the Virtual Economy. Education for Information, 20(3/4), 237-252
In this paper we report upon the Virtual Economy (VE), an Internet simulation which operated for the first time in Spring 2000 involving students at Indiana University, USA an...
Social intelligence in the age of networks
Journal Article
Davenport, E. (2000)
Social intelligence in the age of networks. Journal of Information Science, 26(3), (145-152). doi:10.1177/016555150002600304. ISSN 0165-5515
The author explores the concept of ‘social intelligence’. She
suggests that, in the world of digital commerce, it may be
defined as ‘insight which is based on collective under...
Making interactions visible: tools for social browsing.
Conference Proceeding
Davenport, E., Connolly, R., Spence, R., Buckner, K., Whyte, A., & Barr, K. (1999)
Making interactions visible: tools for social browsing. In M. Altom, & M. Williams (Eds.), CHI EA '99 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 35-36.
The authors describe the problem of 'community myopia': a lack of awareness of people and resources that might assist members of a community to carry out tasks. They present a...
Partner Lens, a tool for social browsing.
Presentation / Conference
Davenport, E. (1999, January)
Partner Lens, a tool for social browsing. Paper presented at National Research Council of Canada
L'Intelligence sociale at l'intelligence concurrentielle. Est-ce qu'elles convergent dans l'organisation virtuelle?
Presentation / Conference
Davenport, E. (1999, January)
L'Intelligence sociale at l'intelligence concurrentielle. Est-ce qu'elles convergent dans l'organisation virtuelle?. Paper presented at 67 Congrès de L'Acfas
New media in Scottish households: a dialogic approach.
Presentation / Conference
Davenport, E. (1997, January)
New media in Scottish households: a dialogic approach. Paper presented at PRESENCE Conference, Royal College of Art