4 results

UK public library roles and value: a focus group analysis

Journal Article
Appleton, L., Hall, H., Duff, A., & Raeside, R. (2018)
UK public library roles and value: a focus group analysis. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 50(3), (275-283). ISSN 0961-0006
Findings from a study of the advantages and disadvantages accrued by individuals from their public library use, and the impact of this on citizenship at individual and communi...

The Research and Innovation of Smart Specialisation Strategies: The Transition from the Triple to Quadruple Helix

Conference Proceeding
Deakin, M., Mora, L., & Reid, A. (2018)
The Research and Innovation of Smart Specialisation Strategies: The Transition from the Triple to Quadruple Helix. In M. Bozina Beros, N. Recker, & M. Kozina (Eds.), Proceedings of the 27th International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development, (94-103
This article suggests the Entrepreneurial Discovery Process (EPD) that underlies Research and Innovation Strategies for Smart Specialisation (RIS3) is not so much caught in th...

Getting some reading in: a collaboration between capital cities

Journal Article
Ennis, L., & Morris, W. (2016)
Getting some reading in: a collaboration between capital cities. Taking Stock-Horsforth-Libraries and the Book Trade, 25(2),
No abstract available.

Instant messaging: using log files to identify patterns of interaction in group of teenage users.

Conference Proceeding
Davison, B., & Buckner, K. (2005)
Instant messaging: using log files to identify patterns of interaction in group of teenage users. In A. Sloane (Ed.), Home-oriented informatics and telematics : proceedings of the IFIP WG 9.3 HOIT2005 conference. , (277-290). https://doi.org/10.1007/11402985_20
This paper presents preliminary findings on teenagers’ use of instant messaging (IM) as an example of an Internet technology. The results are quantitative, being drawn from th...