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15 results

A mechanism to promote social behaviour in household load balancing

Conference Proceeding
Brooks, N. A., Powers, S. T., & Borg, J. M. (2020)
A mechanism to promote social behaviour in household load balancing. In Proceedings of the Artificial Life Conference 2020 (ALIFE 2020). , (95-103).
Reducing the peak energy consumption of households is essential for the effective use of renewable energy sources, in order to ensure that as much household demand as possible...

Democratic Participation through Crocheted Memes.

Conference Proceeding
Taylor-Smith, E., Smith, C. F., & Smyth, M. (2018)
Democratic Participation through Crocheted Memes. In SMSociety '18 Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Social Media and Society, (178-186).
In a UK city, various crocheted protest banners have appeared, containing political statements concerning planned developments in their locations. Photos of these banners are ...

Can justice be fair when it is blind? How social network structures can promote or prevent the evolution of despotism

Conference Proceeding
Perret, C., Powers, S. T., Pitt, J., & Hart, E. (2018)
Can justice be fair when it is blind? How social network structures can promote or prevent the evolution of despotism. In T. Ikegami, N. Virgo, O. Witkowski, M. Oka, R. Suzuki, & H. Iizuka (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2018 Conference on Artificial Life
Hierarchy is an efficient way for a group to organize, but often goes along with inequality that benefits leaders. To control despotic behaviour, followers can assess leaders'...

Co-creating Enduring Institutions for Socio-Technical Systems: The Complementarity of Content-based and Value-based Modelling Approaches

Conference Proceeding
Lewis, P. R., Powers, S. T., & Ekárt, A. (2018)
Co-creating Enduring Institutions for Socio-Technical Systems: The Complementarity of Content-based and Value-based Modelling Approaches. In N. Virgo, T. Ikegami, O. Witkowski, M. Oka, R. Suzuki, & H. Iizuka (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2018 Conference on Artificial Life
No abstract available.

From work-integrated learning to learning-integrated work: motivations and apprehensions of Graduate Apprentices

Conference Proceeding
Smith, S., Taylor-Smith, E., Smith, C., & Varey, A. (2018)
From work-integrated learning to learning-integrated work: motivations and apprehensions of Graduate Apprentices. In Proceedings of the 3rdInternational Research Symposium on Cooperative and Work-Integrated Education, Stuttgart, Germany (199-207
Graduate Apprenticeship (GA) degrees bring new collaborations between universities and employers and new opportunities for apprentices—to gain a university degree, while also ...

Smart City Development Paths: Insights from the First Two Decades of Research

Conference Proceeding
Mora, L., Deakin, M., & Reid, A. (2018)
Smart City Development Paths: Insights from the First Two Decades of Research. In A. Bisello, D. Vettorato, P. Laconte, & S. Costa (Eds.), Smart and Sustainable Planning for Cities and Regions: Results of SSPCR 2017, (403-420).
More than 20 years have now passed since the concept of smart city first appeared in a scholarly publica-tion, marking the beginning of a new era in urban innovation. Since th...

The Research and Innovation of Smart Specialisation Strategies: The Transition from the Triple to Quadruple Helix

Conference Proceeding
Deakin, M., Mora, L., & Reid, A. (2018)
The Research and Innovation of Smart Specialisation Strategies: The Transition from the Triple to Quadruple Helix. In M. Bozina Beros, N. Recker, & M. Kozina (Eds.), Proceedings of the 27th International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development, (94-103
This article suggests the Entrepreneurial Discovery Process (EPD) that underlies Research and Innovation Strategies for Smart Specialisation (RIS3) is not so much caught in th...

Stylized Facts on Smart Specialisation Research

Conference Proceeding
Mora, L., Deakin, M., & Reid, A. (2018)
Stylized Facts on Smart Specialisation Research. In M. Bozina Beros, N. Recker, & M. Kozina (Eds.), Proceedings of the 27th International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development, (176-185
Smart Specialisation has generated a paradigmatic change in regional innovation policies and the European Union has shown a strong interest in supporting research that investi...

The Communities of Practice model for understanding digital engagement by hyperlocal elected representatives

Conference Proceeding
Cruickshank, P., & Ryan, B. (2016)
The Communities of Practice model for understanding digital engagement by hyperlocal elected representatives. In M. Janssen, M. A. Wimmer, Ø. Sæbø, T. A. Pardo, P. Panagiotopoulos, M. Gascó, …E. Tambouris (Eds.), Electronic Government and Electronic Participation, 11-18.
There has been much research into citizens’ engagement with their representatives. This paper offers an approach to understanding sustained take-up of internet technologies by...

The institutional approach for modeling the evolution of human societies

Conference Proceeding
Powers, S. (2016)
The institutional approach for modeling the evolution of human societies. In Proceedings of the Artificial Life Conference 2016
Artificial Life is concerned with understanding the dynamics of human societies. A defining feature of any human society is its institutions. However, defining exactly what an...