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46 results

An Ontological Model for Courses and Academic Profiles Representation: A case study of King Abdulaziz University

Conference Proceeding
Ashour, G., Al-Dubai, A., Romdhani, I., & Aljohani, N. (2020)
An Ontological Model for Courses and Academic Profiles Representation: A case study of King Abdulaziz University. In 2020 International Conference Engineering Technologies and Computer Science (EnT).
Educational data is growing continuously. This huge amount of data that is scattered and come from different resources with different formats usually is noisy, duplicated, inc...

Delegation of Authentication to the Data Plane in Software-Defined Networks

Conference Proceeding
Almaini, A., Al-Dubai, A., Romdhani, I., & Schramm, M. (2020)
Delegation of Authentication to the Data Plane in Software-Defined Networks. In 2019 IEEE International Conferences on Ubiquitous Computing & Communications (IUCC) and Data Science and Computational Intelligence (DSCI) and Smart Computing, Networking and Services (SmartCNS), (58-65).
OpenFlow is considered as the most known protocol for Software Defined Networking (SDN). The main drawback of OpenFlow is the lack of support of new header definitions, which ...

BCFR: Blockchain-based Controller Against False Flow Rule Injection in SDN

Conference Proceeding
Boukria, S., Guerroumi, M., & Romdhani, I. (2020)
BCFR: Blockchain-based Controller Against False Flow Rule Injection in SDN. In 2019 IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC) (1034-1039).
Software Defined Networking (SDN) technology increases the evolution of Internet and network development. SDN, with its logical centralization of controllers and global networ...

Cross-Layer Multipath Multichannel MAC protocol for MANETs

Conference Proceeding
Mirza, N., Taylor, H., Abdelshafy, M., King, P., Romdhani, I., & Alghamdi, A. (2018)
Cross-Layer Multipath Multichannel MAC protocol for MANETs. In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Networks, Computers and Communications (ISNCC)
Utilising multiple disjoint paths in multiple channels can improve network performance by enabling a node to reroute data along discovered paths seamlessly when link failure i...

Collaborative Computing: Networking, Applications and Worksharing: 13th International Conference, CollaborateCom 2017, Edinburgh, UK, December 11–13, 2017, Proceedings

Conference Proceeding
Collaborative Computing: Networking, Applications and Worksharing: 13th International Conference, CollaborateCom 2017, Edinburgh, UK, December 11–13, 2017, Proceedings. In I. Romdhani, L. Shu, H. Takahiro, Z. Zhou, T. Gordon, & D. Zeng (Eds.), Collaborative Computing: Networking, Applications and Worksharing
This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Collaborative Computing: Networking, Applications, and Worksharing, Collabora...

A Trust-based Intrusion Detection System for Mobile RPL Based Networks

Conference Proceeding
Faiza, M., Tandjaoui, D., Romdhani, I., & Nabil, D. (2018)
A Trust-based Intrusion Detection System for Mobile RPL Based Networks. In Proceedings of 10th IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things (iThings-2017)
Successful deployment of Low power and Lossy Networks (LLNs) requires self-organising, self-configuring, security, and mobility support. However, these characteristics can be ...

A new Zigbee-based device for measuring visual reaction time in sport activities

Conference Proceeding
Ali, B. B., Dugas, É., Naceur, A., & Romdhani, I. (2018)
A new Zigbee-based device for measuring visual reaction time in sport activities. In 2017 International Conference on Engineering & MIS (ICEMIS)
There is a growing demand for smart tools and devices that measure visual reaction time during sports and physical activities in outdoor environments. However, one of the majo...

A new dynamic weight clustering algorithm for wireless sensor networks

Conference Proceeding
Essa, A., Al-Dubai, A., Romdhani, I., & Eshaftri, M. (2017)
A new dynamic weight clustering algorithm for wireless sensor networks. In S. Yang, J. Gao, Y. Zhang, K. Yang, V. C. M. Leung, & J. Hu (Eds.), Smart Grid Inspired Future Technologies: First International Conference, Liverpool, UK, May 19-20, 2016 SmartGIFT 2016, 195-203
Since sensor nodes have limited energy resources, prolonging network lifetime and improving scalability are essential elements in energy-efficient Wireless Sensor Networks (WS...

Reliable multipath multi-channel route migration over multi link-failure in wireless ad hoc networks

Conference Proceeding
Mirza, N. S., King, P. J. B., Romdhani, I., Abdelshafy, M. A., & Alghamdi, A. A. (2017)
Reliable multipath multi-channel route migration over multi link-failure in wireless ad hoc networks. In Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob)
The route recovery algorithm is a crucial part of an ad hoc routing protocol. Designing an efficient and fast route recovery mechanism scheme without incurring extra overheads...

A New Weight based Rotating Clustering Scheme for WSNs

Conference Proceeding
Essa, A., Al-Dubai, A. Y., Romdhani, I., & Esriaftri, M. A. (2017)
A New Weight based Rotating Clustering Scheme for WSNs. In 2017 International Symposium on Networks, Computers and Communications (ISNCC)
Although energy efficiency in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) has been investigated widely, it is still a challenging dilemma. Clustering mechanisms are among the most widely ...