Assessing the available and accessible evidence: how personal reputations are determined and managed online.
Presentation / Conference
Ryan, F., Cruickshank, P., Hall, H., & Lawson, A. (2015, June)
Assessing the available and accessible evidence: how personal reputations are determined and managed online. Paper presented at Information: interactions and impact (i3) 2015
This paper is concerned with how online information contributes to the determination of personal reputations. The term “personal reputation” in this context means the reputati...
Could social networking online help NEET young people gain employment?
Presentation / Conference
Mowbray, J., Hall, H. & Raeside, R. (2015, June)
Could social networking online help NEET young people gain employment?. Paper presented at Information: interactions and impact (i3) 2015, Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen, Scotland
This paper first explores the literature pertaining to social networking in both off-line and online environments, and places it within the context of the study of employment ...
Using ICT to Supporting Course Developers, Tutors, and Students of Scottish Gaelic.
Presentation / Conference
Lawson, A., Mikuta, P., & Cruickshank, P. (2013, September)
Using ICT to Supporting Course Developers, Tutors, and Students of Scottish Gaelic. Poster presented at EUROCALL, University of Évora
This research and development is aimed at learners, tutors and course developers of Scottish Gaelic. The method of teaching Gaelic being used initially with the system is Ùlpa...
Double-clicking poverty: the diffusion of ICT in the hotel sector in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Presentation / Conference
Demeke, W. (2012, January)
Double-clicking poverty: the diffusion of ICT in the hotel sector in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Paper presented at University of West London, MPhil/PhD Conference Presentation, University of West London, London, UK
According to the United Nations Development Program, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has a significant impact on the reduction of poverty in developing countrie...
10 Twitter tips in 10 minutes.
Presentation / Conference
Hall, H. (2010, March)
10 Twitter tips in 10 minutes. Paper presented at Tweeting while we work: SLA Europe event, London, UK
No abstract available.
Small and Micro Business Enterprises (SMBEs) in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: Development and Poverty Reduction through Information and Communication Technologies
Presentation / Conference
Demeke, W. (2010, January)
Small and Micro Business Enterprises (SMBEs) in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: Development and Poverty Reduction through Information and Communication Technologies. Paper presented at University of West London MPhil/PhD conference, University of West London, London, UK
No abstract avilable.
Shared relationships, spaces and online information behaviours: a social exchange and capital perspective.
Presentation / Conference
Hall, H., Widen-Wulff, G., Peterson, L., & Davison, B. (2009, June)
Shared relationships, spaces and online information behaviours: a social exchange and capital perspective. Paper presented at Information: Interactions and Impact (i3
No abstract available.
When social means business: the potential of social computing tools to support collaborative work as part of the organisational information infrastructure.
Presentation / Conference
Hall, H. (2009, June)
When social means business: the potential of social computing tools to support collaborative work as part of the organisational information infrastructure. Presented at Innovation in e-information, Manchester, UK
Based on the results of a study conducted jointly by Edinburgh Napier University and TFPL, this paper will discuss the main risks and opportunities of the adoption of social c...
Opportunity and risks offered by social computing tools as perceived by information and knowledge managers
Presentation / Conference
Hall, H. (2009, April)
Opportunity and risks offered by social computing tools as perceived by information and knowledge managers. Paper presented at SLA Eastern Canada Members' Day, McGill University, Montreal, Canada
No abstract available.
Inclusion or alienation? computer literacy in a group of older people.
Presentation / Conference
Davenport, E., Turner, P., & Van de Walle, G. (2006, July)
Inclusion or alienation? computer literacy in a group of older people. Paper presented at IFIP 8.2 Working Conference on Social Exclusion--Societal and Organisational Implications for Information Systems, Limerick