13 results

Wattom: Ambient Eco-feedback with Mid-air Input

Conference Proceeding
Esteves, A., Quintal, F., Caires, F., Baptista, V., & Mendes, P. (2019)
Wattom: Ambient Eco-feedback with Mid-air Input. In 2019 5th Experiment International Conference (exp.at'19)https://doi.org/10.1109/EXPAT.2019.8876565
This paper presents Wattom, a highly interactive ambient eco-feedback smart plug that aims to promote a more sustainable use of electricity in the home. This paper describes o...

Expanding the Child Visitor Experience – mixing realities in a contemporary sculpture park

Presentation / Conference
Hall, L., Flint, T., & Mitsche, N. (2018, May)
Expanding the Child Visitor Experience – mixing realities in a contemporary sculpture park. Paper presented at 2nd International Research Symposium in Tourism Hospitality & Events
This research considers how the visitor experience could be enhanced through intertwining and blending the real and virtual, creating a new mixed reality that extended and add...

Appropriating Affordances. Three Practice Based Explorations

Conference Proceeding
Flint, T. (2017)
Appropriating Affordances. Three Practice Based Explorations. In T. Flint, L. Hall, S. O'Hara, & P. Turner (Eds.), Proceedings of the 31st International BCS Human Computer Interaction Conference (HCI 2017). https://doi.org/10.14236/ewic/HCI2017.36
Affordance and Appropriation are related. An effective way of examining these phenomena is through practice. This paper discusses practice based exploration of affordance in t...

Making and Unfinishedness: Designing Toolkits for Negotiation

Journal Article
Smyth, M., & Helgason, I. (2017)
Making and Unfinishedness: Designing Toolkits for Negotiation. Design Journal, 20(sup1), S3966-S3974. https://doi.org/10.1080/14606925.2017.1352899
The diffusion and democratisation of computing technologies and physical prototyping systems has supported the rise of Do-It-Yourself culture. In the context of design innovat...

Factors Influencing the Students’ Use of Learning Management Systems: A Case Study of King Abdulaziz University

Conference Proceeding
Binyamin, S., Rutter, M. J., & Smith, S. (2017)
Factors Influencing the Students’ Use of Learning Management Systems: A Case Study of King Abdulaziz University. In L. O. Campbell, & R. Hartshorne (Eds.), Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on e-Learning (ICEL 2017) (289-297
The Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) has been one of the most popular models in explaining the acceptance of technologies and employed empirically in various studies. This st...

Designing for mixed reality with children

Presentation / Conference
Flint, T. (2017, May)
Designing for mixed reality with children. Paper presented at Researching with and for children: Place, pedagogy and play, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland

Making places: visualization, interaction and experience in urban space

Journal Article
Smyth, M., Trigueiros, P., Helgason, I., Coelho, A., Gallacher, S., Burrows, A., …Penha, R. (2015)
Making places: visualization, interaction and experience in urban space. Interaction Design and Architecture(s) IxDetA, 25, 813-816
Preface to the focus section: Making places: visualization, interaction and experience in urban space Cities are exciting and people continue to be drawn to urban areas beca...

Presence in blended spaces

Journal Article
Benyon, D. (2012)
Presence in blended spaces. Interacting with Computers, 24, 219-226. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.intcom.2012.04.005
Mixed reality technologies have been around for over ten years but it is only with the proliferation of smart phones and tablet (computers) that mixed and augmented reality in...

Cloud Computing - health care's silver lining

Journal Article
Thuemmler, C. (2010)
Cloud Computing - health care's silver lining. newswireone,
Cloud computing is the technology prescription that will help the UK’s National Health Service (NHS) beat the budget constraints imposed as a consequence of the credit crunch....

Visualising the soundfield and soundscape: extending Macaulay and Crerar’s 1998 method

Conference Proceeding
McGregor, I., Crerar, A., Benyon, D., & LePlâtre, G. (2008)
Visualising the soundfield and soundscape: extending Macaulay and Crerar’s 1998 method. In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Auditory Display
The introduction of effective auditory warnings into a shared environment requires a prior understanding of the existing soundfield and soundscape. Reifying the physical and p...