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22 results

Exploring Current Trends in Scientific Research on Smart Specialisation

Journal Article
Mora, L., Deakin, M., & Reid, A. (2019)
Exploring Current Trends in Scientific Research on Smart Specialisation. Scienze Regionali-The Italian Journal of Regional Science, 18(3), 397-422.
This paper describes current trends in scientific research on Smart Specialisation by answering the following questions: (1) How many scientific publications on Smart Speciali...

Exploring the viability of an emission tax policy for ships at berth in Taiwanese ports

Journal Article
Tseng, P. H., & Pilcher, N. (2016)
Exploring the viability of an emission tax policy for ships at berth in Taiwanese ports. International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics, 8(6), 705-722.
This paper considers an emissions tax to help limit external air pollution from ships in Taiwanese ports through a mixed methods research (MMR) approach. Through an empirical ...

Islamic corporate financing: does it promote profit and loss sharing?

Journal Article
Minhat, M., & Dzolkarnaini, N. (2016)
Islamic corporate financing: does it promote profit and loss sharing?. Business Ethics: A European Review, 25(4), 482-497.
Islamic financing instruments can be categorised into profit and loss/risk sharing and non-participatory instruments. Although profit and loss sharing instruments such as mush...

Exploring the contradictions between Brazil’s role in the global climate change regime and its position in regional environmental governance.

Presentation / Conference
Siegel, K. M., & Riethof, M. (2016, April)
Exploring the contradictions between Brazil’s role in the global climate change regime and its position in regional environmental governance. Paper presented at Society for Latin American Studies Annual Conference
Similar to other developing countries Brazil’s position on climate change emphasises national sovereignty and the principle of “common but differentiated responsibilities”. Ho...

Foreign Direct Investment in Zimbabwe and Botswana: The Desperation Game

Presentation / Conference
Gutu, M., Omar, M., Anastasiadou, C., & Osei, C. (2016, April)
Foreign Direct Investment in Zimbabwe and Botswana: The Desperation Game. Paper presented at International Business in a Multi-speed Global Economy
No abstract available.

Natural resource governance and sustainability in South America: conflicting objectives?

Presentation / Conference
Siegel, K. M. (2016, February)
Natural resource governance and sustainability in South America: conflicting objectives?. Presented at Sustainability in Latin America
Presentation delivered at the Sustainability in Latin America Conference 2016.

UK Foreign direct investment in Ghana: determinants and implications

Osei, C. UK Foreign direct investment in Ghana: determinants and implications. (Thesis)
Edinburgh Napier University. Retrieved from
The aim of this study is to empirically investigate the relative significance of the determinants of UK foreign direct investment (FDI) in Ghana. According to the United Natio...

Scottish Independence, 'YES' or 'NO' From the 'NO' Side Scotland is Better Together with the United Kingdom

Journal Article
Jaworski, P. M. (2014)
Scottish Independence, 'YES' or 'NO' From the 'NO' Side Scotland is Better Together with the United Kingdom. Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Diplomatist,
PERSPECTIVE If the people of Scotland favour independence, the split will create high level of uncertainty, and this component of risk will be extremely difficult to deal with...

Corporate disclosure quality in Malaysia

Journal Article
Abdullah, M., & Minhat, M. (2013)
Corporate disclosure quality in Malaysia. International Journal of Education and Research, 1,
The objective of this study is to examine the quality of corporate disclosure in the annual reports of Malaysian public listed companies. It reviewed the reports published by ...

Entrepreneurship training to promote start-ups and innovation in Bahrain

Journal Article
Al-Dairi, A., McQuaid, R. W., & Adams, J. (2012)
Entrepreneurship training to promote start-ups and innovation in Bahrain. International journal of innovation and knowledge management in Middle East and North Africa, 1, 179-210
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to investigate training and education support for entrepreneurship in Bahrain, using the case study of the Entrepreneurship Development P...



