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384 results

Walking in the footsteps of Florentine history

Bishop, D. (2021)
Walking in the footsteps of Florentine history.
DV Bishop tells Historia how valuable it is to get your feet on the street when doing historical research, as he found while writing his novel, City of Vengeance, set in Flore...

Prisoner of War Camp Periodicals

Book Chapter
Schwan, A. (in press)
Prisoner of War Camp Periodicals. In M. Demoor, C. Van Dijck, & B. Van Puymbroeck (Eds.), The Edinburgh Companion to First World War Periodicals. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press
A case study of internment camp newspaper Stobsiade, contextualised in an overview of First World War internment camp periodicals.

“It was in that way that we used to talk, in July, 1914, of Armageddon”: Wartime in Ford Madox Ford’s Parade’s End Tetralogy

Book Chapter
Frayn, A. (2020)
“It was in that way that we used to talk, in July, 1914, of Armageddon”: Wartime in Ford Madox Ford’s Parade’s End Tetralogy. In Literature and Modern Time (25-49). Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
No abstract available.

Pagan Modernism: First World War and Spiritual Revival in Lewis Grassic Gibbon’s Sunset Song and Neil M. Gunn’s Highland River

Book Chapter
Lyall, S. (2020)
Pagan Modernism: First World War and Spiritual Revival in Lewis Grassic Gibbon’s Sunset Song and Neil M. Gunn’s Highland River. In D. A. Rennie (Ed.), Scottish Literature and World War I (180-199). Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press
Abstract not available.

German Military Internees Writing the First World War: Gender, Irony and Humour in the Camp Newspaper Stobsiade

Book Chapter
Schwan, A. (2020)
German Military Internees Writing the First World War: Gender, Irony and Humour in the Camp Newspaper Stobsiade. In C. Westall, & M. Kelly (Eds.), Prison Writing and the Literary World: Imprisonment, Institutionality and Questions of Literary Practice (41-57). Abingdon: Routledge
No abstract available.

Why we do not adapt Jean Rhys

Book Chapter
Artt, S. (2020)
Why we do not adapt Jean Rhys. In M. Stewart, & R. Munro (Eds.), Intercultural Screen Adaptation: British and Global Case Studies. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press
Abstract not available.

The novel between the wars

Book Chapter
Lyall, S. (in press)
The novel between the wars. In I. Duncan (Ed.), The Cambridge History of Scottish Literature. Cambridge University Press
No abstract available. Forthcoming 2024.

Scottish Modernism and the “Renaissance”

Book Chapter
Lyall, S. (in press)
Scottish Modernism and the “Renaissance”. In I. Duncan (Ed.), The Cambridge History of Scottish Literature. Cambridge University Press
No abstract available. Forthcoming 2024.

Annotating the Everyday in a Modernist Scholarly Edition

Journal Article
Thomson, T. (2020)
Annotating the Everyday in a Modernist Scholarly Edition. Modernist Cultures, 15(1), 92-109.
This article interrogates current approaches to the annotation of scholarly editions in order to reframe annotation practice within an emerging ‘new modernist editing’. Using ...

Carpenter, Mary

Book Chapter
Schwan, A. (2020)
Carpenter, Mary. In L. Scholl (Ed.), The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Victorian Women's Writing. Springer.
Nineteenth-century reformer Mary Carpenter (1807–1877) established an international profile as prolific author and public speaker with a focus on educational and penal reform....
30 results

Scholarly Edition of Scottish Scene

2023 - 2024
RATIONALE Scottish Scene was first published by Jarrolds in 1934. Widely reviewed at the time, it quickly became one of the most controversial texts of the Scottish literary renaissance of the early d...
Funder: Royal Society of Edinburgh | Value: £3,102

Scottish Shores RSE Workshop

2022 - 2023
The Scottish Shores Workshop forges new connections between Gothic studies and the Environmental and Blue Humanities. It emphasises Scottish coasts and littoral environments, which, like others around...
Funder: Royal Society of Edinburgh | Value: £9,940

Dr David Summers Trust PhD Studentship: 'Slip out of darkness': A Study of Contemporary Queer Scottish Poetry

2021 - 2026
This PhD project will synthesise Scottish literary studies, Queer theory and the developing socio-cultural contexts of modern Scottish society, to investigate a range of queer Scottish poets.
Funder: ENU Development Trust | Value: £15,195

Forgotten Women of Craiglockhart

2021 - 2021
Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland Vacation Scholarship Rosamund Latto
Funder: Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland

The Literature House in the Digital Age: New Directions for Literary Heritage

2021 - 2024
This interdisciplinary project will situate the Edinburgh Literature House within the history of such institutions, to establish a context for an investigation of how the Literature House can now meet...
Funder: Scottish Funding Council | Value: £54,999

The Scottish Revival Network

2021 - 2023
The Scottish Revival Network will initiate conversations and debates on the aims, scope, influences and international connections of the Scottish Revival in literature and culture from the 1880s to th...
Funder: Royal Society of Edinburgh | Value: £19,975

A War Books Boom in Scotland? 1928-1932

2020 - 2021
It is a critical commonplace that there was a decade’s literary silence following the First World War in writing about the conflict before a ‘War Books Boom’ from 1928–1932. This boom was predicated o...
Funder: Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland | Value: £11,641

World/Water Futures

2020 - 2021
Blue Humanities is an underdeveloped subfield within the Environmental Humanities. It focuses on the cultural meanings of water, and incorporates multiple disciplinary strands, including ecology, mari...
Funder: Royal Society of Edinburgh | Value: £10,000

Narratives of Scottish Modernism: Christine Orr and Naomi Mitchison

2019 - 2020
The main objective of this project is to conduct archival research that will lead to new and internationally significant academic publications on the literary work of two modern Scottish female author...
Funder: Royal Society of Edinburgh | Value: £7,465

“get leave to live”: Nan Shepherd and the canon of Scottish and International Modernism

2019 - 2020
The primary aims of this project are as follows: a) to research in the Nan Shepherd holdings, and archives related to Shepherd’s work, at the University of Aberdeen; b) to consult with several Shepher...
Funder: Royal Society of Edinburgh | Value: £3,547
16 results

Dr Scott Lyall awarded RSE Network Grant

15 December 2020
Dr Scott Lyall (PI) has been awarded a Network Grant from the Royal Society of Edinburgh to found and facilitate a Scottish Revival Network. He will collaborate with Dr Michael Shaw (CI) of the Univer...

Dr Scott Lyall is a guest speaker on Times Radio

11 August 2020
Dr Scott Lyall was an invited guest speaker on Times Radio Breakfast Show, interviewed by Stig Abell, to discuss the Scottish poet Hugh MacDiarmid on the anniversary of his birth. Born in Langholm on...

Dr Scott Lyall publishes an article in The Conversation on Nan Shepherd.

29 August 2019
‘The Living Mountain: in an age of ecological crisis, Nan Shepherd’s nature writing is more relevant than ever’. Article in The Conversation, published 29 August 2019

Dr Scott Lyall wins RSE grant to study the work of Scottish writer, Nan Shepherd.

1 February 2019
Dr Scott Lyall has won a grant from the Royal Society of Edinburgh to study the work of Scottish writer, Nan Shepherd.

'A Night at Stobs': AHRC-funded Performances about WWI Internment

18 June 2018
A series of AHRC-funded performances will take place at venues in Edinburgh, Glasgow and Hawick in June. Produced by a multi-disciplinary team at Edinburgh Napier, and featuring Music and Acting stud...

Calum Neill's The Palgrave Lacan Series listed as Social Science Series of the Year

18 December 2017
The Palgrave Lacan Series, the monograph series edited by Dr Calum Neill of the School of Applied Sciences, has been listed as one of the social science series of the year.

Prof. Bashabi Fraser at Edinburgh International Book festival, 2017

23 August 2017
Bashabi Fraser and Alan Riach have an event at the Edinburgh International Book Festival on 23 august, including the launch of their book 'Thali Katori: An Anthology of Scottish and South Asian Poetry...

Scott Lyall makes presentation at Saltire Literary Awards

24 November 2016
At the Saltire Literary Awards in Edinburgh's Central Hall, Dr Scott Lyall presented the Ross Roy Medal to Dr Craig Lamont of the University of Glasgow for the best PhD in Scottish Literature in 2016.

‘“For she was an independent woman, or nearly, anyway”: Locating the pubescent girl in Philip Pullman’s Sally Lockhart drafts ’

16 November 2016
The University’s Centre for Literature and Writing (CLAW) runs a series of research seminars on Wednesday afternoons throughout the teaching trimesters. These seminars are designed to approach literar...

Writing the First World War: Conflict and Memory, 1914-1930

21 September 2016
The University’s Centre for Literature and Writing (CLAW) runs a series of research seminars on Wednesday afternoons throughout the teaching trimesters. These seminars are designed to approach literar...
60 results

Research Roundtable on 'Global Atrocities in Literature and Culture' (online)

Online via WebEx
8 December 2021

Research Seminar hosted by Centre for Literature and Writing (CLAW): Maja Brandt Andreasen (U of Strathclyde), 'Just Sex? The Discursive Construction of Sexual Violence in Internet Humour about #MeToo' AND Amy King (Edinburgh Napier U), '"Tied up in knots" - Ethical Tensions in my Research of Linguistic Violence on Twitter'

9 June 2021

Research Seminar hosted by Centre for Literature and Writing (CLAW): Professor Nathalie Jaeck (U Bordeaux Montaigne), 'Dickens's Redefinition of the Rhetoric of Landscape'

19 May 2021

Research Seminar hosted by Centre for Literature and Writing (CLAW): Dr Alice Kelly (U of Oxford/U of Sussex), 'Commemorative Modernisms - Women Writers, Death and the First World War'

28 April 2021

Research Seminar hosted by Centre for Literature and Writing (CLAW): Dr Maisha Wester (Indiana U, Bloomington/Sheffield U), 'New World Monsters for an Old World Problem - Redefining Terror in Black Diasporic Gothic Literature'

17 March 2021

Neoliberalism and Contemporary American Literature

Edinburgh Napier University
9 December 2019

Space Enlightenment Festival

Royal Edinburgh Observatory, Edinburgh University and Edinburgh Napier University, various Festival Locations
23 May 2019 - 30 August 2019

CLAW Seminar "Eat Meat Crave Repeat: H. Rider Haggard, Lost World Romance and the Global Growth of Britain's Meat Markets."

3.30pm in Merchiston B2
6 December 2018

Fates of Frankenstein Conference

Edinburgh Napier University, Merchiston Campus, Edinburgh
23 November 2018 - 24 November 2018

“A glory that shines upon our tears”: Literature and the Armistice.

National Library of Scotland
15 November 2018