67 results

Short-Term Licensing in Scotland: A policy murder is announced

Presentation / Conference Contribution
Anastasiadou, C., & McMillan, J. (2024, May)
Short-Term Licensing in Scotland: A policy murder is announced. Paper presented at INVTUR 2024, Aveiro, Portugal
Objectives | The purpose of this paper is to examine the evolution of short-term licensing in Scotland, with particular focus on the city of Edinburgh using the lifecycle appr...

Leadership development in the Hong Kong Civil Service: Accessing social resources through guanxi networks

Journal Article
O’Neil, J. J., McMillan, J., & Garavan, T. (in press)
Leadership development in the Hong Kong Civil Service: Accessing social resources through guanxi networks. Public Administration and Development, https://doi.org/10.1002/pad.2040
Drawing on guanxi and conservation of resources theory we explore how close personal ties between middle managers who participated in leadership development, constitutes an im...

So, What Do You Want?” Recasting Public Value in The Tourism Domain

Conference Proceeding
Anastasiadou, C., & McMillan, J. (in press)
So, What Do You Want?” Recasting Public Value in The Tourism Domain. In The Human Touch in Hospitality: 30th Council for Hospitality Management Education 2022
In existing tourism literature, there is a lack of understanding of the public values on the basis of which tourism is understood and the tourism public sphere is constructed....

Public Value Leadership in the Context of Outcomes, Impact and Reform

Book Chapter
McMillan, J. (2021)
Public Value Leadership in the Context of Outcomes, Impact and Reform. In J. Connolly, & A. Van der Zwet (Eds.), Public Value Management, Governance and Reform in Britain (173-200). Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-55586-3_7
The chapter considers leadership in public value settings. It examines public leadership practice in and for the creation of public value through exploring drivers and barrier...

A holistic framework to embed good company practice for customer retention

Journal Article
McCrory, B., Pilcher, N., & McMillan, J. (2017)
A holistic framework to embed good company practice for customer retention. The TQM magazine, 29(2), 257-275. https://doi.org/10.1108/TQM-11-2015-0139
Purpose: To detail a holistic practice based guiding framework for improving customer retention, which helps companies instil a customer service culture through encouraging th...

Conceptualising sustainable leadership

Journal Article
D’Annunzio-Green, N., Gerard, L., McMillan, J., & D'Annunzio-Green, N. (2017)
Conceptualising sustainable leadership. Industrial and Commercial Training, 49(3), 116-126. https://doi.org/10.1108/ict-12-2016-0079
Literature encompassing Sustainable Leadership and developing leaders sustainably are still in infancy (Lambert, 2011). Nevertheless indications identify leadership as a vital...

Making Sense of Public Policy in a fragmented World: the search for solutions and the limits of learning

Book Chapter
Fenwick, J., & McMillan, J. (2015)
Making Sense of Public Policy in a fragmented World: the search for solutions and the limits of learning. In Collaborative Governance and Public Innovation in Northern Europe, 269-286. Bentham Science Publishers
This chapter considers learning, change and innovation in a public sector where the certainties of ‘New Public Management’ (NPM) have been replaced by uncertainty and flux. In...

Public Administration: What is it, why teach it and does it matter?

Journal Article
Fenwick, J., & McMillan, J. (2014)
Public Administration: What is it, why teach it and does it matter?. Teaching Public Administration, 32(2), 194-204. https://doi.org/10.1177/0144739414522479
What is understood by ‘‘public administration’’ in the contemporary UK higher education setting? Is it still being taught and, if so, why? These questions initially appear to ...

Management Development and Co-production: myths and realities

Journal Article
Fenwick, J., & McMillan, J. (2013)
Management Development and Co-production: myths and realities. Journal of Management Development, 32, 971-983. https://doi.org/10.1108/JMD-07-2012-0083
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to address the relationship between public sector practitioners and academic providers in the design and delivery of management developm...

Public Participation and Public Service Modernization: Learning from New Labor?

Journal Article
Fenwick, J., & McMillan, J. (2012)
Public Participation and Public Service Modernization: Learning from New Labor?. International Journal of Public Administration, 35(6), 367-378. https://doi.org/10.1080/01900692.2012.655523
The public participation agenda is a significant element of public service reform in Europe and beyond. This article examines how citizen participation in local public service...



Qualification level

29 results

ISitting by the Fire - the Story of the Song Writer. An Ethnographic Exploration of Liminality, Self-questioning Identity, and the Darkness that Surrounds the Fire of the Creative.

2021 - date
Alan Brooke | Director of Studies: Dr Holly Patrick-Thomson | Second Supervisor: Dr Vaughan Ellis

Thesis title Interest and Usury in Middle English Poetry (1300-1400).

2020 - date
Asma Qazi | Director of Studies: Dr Janice McMillan | Second Supervisor: Dr Elena Papagiannaki

Talent Management

2019 - date
Sara Whinnett | Director of Studies: Dr Kirsteen Grant | Second Supervisor: Prof Maura Sheehan

Fired Up, Not Burnt Out: An Exploration of Resilience Behaviours in Third Sector Leadership

2019 - date
Dr Patricia Armstrong | Director of Studies: Dr Janice McMillan | Second Supervisor: Prof Luca Mora

Investigating the impact of digital on the traditional marketing funnel and customer journey for online retail across millennials in Singapore

2018 - date
Sonakshi Johar | Director of Studies: Dr Constantia Anastasiadou

The challenges of derisking of correspondent banking services in Jamaica: managers' perspective

2017 - date
Atherine Lee | Director of Studies: Dr Matthew Bonnett | Second Supervisor: Dr Paul Langford

Leading for sustainability: key challenges for managers in Higher Education in Jamaica

2017 - date
Ms. Sophia Mcintosh | Director of Studies: Dr Lesley McLean | Second Supervisor: Dr Ciarán McFadden-Young

KPI driven banking sales: Challenges in enhancing job satisfaction from managers' perspective

2017 - date
Deloris Johnson | Director of Studies: Dr Janice McMillan | Second Supervisor: Norma D'Annunzio-Green

Resistance to change: Exploring Singapore blue-collar worker’s perceptions of organizational change management approaches in the semiconductor industry

2017 - 2021
Chee Lum | Director of Studies: Dr Gerardine Matthews-Smith | Second Supervisor: Helena Lee

Exploring the challenges and enablers of adopting online learning innovations in Singapore's private education institutions - a managerial perspective

2017 - date
Natthavut Srinara | Director of Studies: Dr Chris Cramphorn

