What Do Robots Sound Like? Ep 01 - Dr Iain McGregor
Digital Artefact
McGregor, I. (2024)
What Do Robots Sound Like? Ep 01 - Dr Iain McGregor. [Podcast]
Interviews on the topic of sound for human-robot interactions. Game audio designer Ali Tocher enjoys long form conversations with a wide range of guests. This episode’s guest ...
Hearing Abilities Assessment
McGregor, I. (2024)
Hearing Abilities Assessment. W O 2024/041821 A1. World Intellectual Property Organization International Bureau
A method for assessing hearing abilities of a human person having two ears, the method comprising: - providing two audio signals to two respective ear speakers at a person's c...
Speculative and Critical Design: approaches and influences in education
Journal Article
Helgason, I., Encinas, E., Mitrovic, I., & Smyth, M. (2022)
Speculative and Critical Design: approaches and influences in education. Interaction Design and Architecture(s) IxDetA, 5-7. https://doi.org/10.55612/s-5002-051-001psi
As guest editors of this special edition we are delighted to present this selection of papers responding to our call about Speculative and Critical Design in education. The re...
“He’s adorable and I want to take him home”. Trust Perceptions Before and After First-Time Encounters with Social Robots
Conference Proceeding
Sobolewska, E., Vanderschantz, N., & Bitcon, F. (2021)
“He’s adorable and I want to take him home”. Trust Perceptions Before and After First-Time Encounters with Social Robots. In Proceedings of the BCS 34th British HCI Conference 2021 (324-328). https://doi.org/10.14236/ewic/hci2021.35
For users who have not interacted with a robot their perceptions are shaped by society, inculturation, and popular media. With the steady increase of robots in workplaces, dur...
“I would call them, it seems faster”. The state of Telemedicine in Scotland.
Conference Proceeding
Sfakakis, G., & Sobolewska, E. (2021)
“I would call them, it seems faster”. The state of Telemedicine in Scotland. In Proceedings of the BCS 34th British HCI Conference 2021 (220-225). https://doi.org/10.14236/ewic/hci2021.23
The novel Coronavirus pandemic has affected the way people interact with others and services. Online re-mote solutions have been proposed for most interactions including healt...