Nature Inspired Optimisation for Delivery Problems: From Theory to the Real World
Urquhart, N. (2022)
Nature Inspired Optimisation for Delivery Problems: From Theory to the Real World. Cham: Springer.
This book explains classic routing and transportation problems and solutions, before offering insights based on successful real-world solutions. The chapters in Part I introdu...
An Empirical Evaluation of a Novel Domain-Specific Language -- Modelling Vehicle Routing Problems with Athos
Journal Article
Hoffmann, B., Urquhart, N., Chalmers, K., & Guckert, M. (2022)
An Empirical Evaluation of a Novel Domain-Specific Language -- Modelling Vehicle Routing Problems with Athos. Empirical Software Engineering, 27, Article 180.
Domain-specific languages (DSLs) are a popular approach among software engineers who demand for a tailored development interface. A DSL-based approach allows to encapsulate th...
Seguranca digital e o regulacao do metaverso (in Portuguese)
Presentation / Conference
Haynes, D. (2022, September)
Seguranca digital e o regulacao do metaverso (in Portuguese)
This summarises the research questions being investigated in the Starter grant 2021 to investigate the usage of and attitudes towards the metaverse in the UK. The purpose of t...
Digital options: an assessment of audience engagement with a digitised archive set transformed from online text and images to audio format
Presentation / Conference
Ryan, B., Hall, H., & McGregor, I. (2022, August)
Digital options: an assessment of audience engagement with a digitised archive set transformed from online text and images to audio format. Paper presented at Archives and Records Association Annual Conference 2022, Chester, UK
We report the findings of a research project funded by the AHRC, with support of the BBC, British Library, and a community museum. This exploits, augments, and exhibits a set ...
Modelling the Impact of Individual Preferences on Traffic Policies
Journal Article
Nguyen, J., Powers, S., Urquhart, N., Farrenkopf, T., & Guckert, M. (2022)
Modelling the Impact of Individual Preferences on Traffic Policies. SN Computer Science, 3(5), Article 365.
Urban traffic is a system always prone to overload, often approaching breakdown during rush hour times. Well adjusted modifications of traffic policies, with appropriate inter...
The public library as public sphere: a longitudinal analysis
Journal Article
Appleton, L., & Hall, H. (in press)
The public library as public sphere: a longitudinal analysis. Journal of Documentation,
The research was undertaken to explore the role of the UK public library as a public sphere, and the ways in which this role relates to the epistemic, community, and political...
A Study of Online Safety and Digital Literacy of Academic Researchers Working from Home during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Presentation / Conference
Haynes, D., & Salzano, R. (2022, April)
A Study of Online Safety and Digital Literacy of Academic Researchers Working from Home during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Paper presented at ASIS&T Global 24-hour Conference, 2022, Online
Universities in the UK responded to the COVID-19 pandemic by moving teaching to an online environment and requiring staff to work from home, as far as possible. Researchers fa...
A VMD and LSTM based hybrid model of load forecasting for power grid security
Journal Article
Lv, L., Wu, Z., Zhang, J., Tan, Z., Zhang, L., & Tian, Z. (2022)
A VMD and LSTM based hybrid model of load forecasting for power grid security. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 18(9), 6474-6482.
As the basis for the static security of the power grid, power load forecasting directly affects the safety of grid operation, the rationality of grid planning, and the economy...
Information Literacy Workshops: Trials and tribulations of Public Engagement within a pandemic
Presentation / Conference
Brazier, D., Salzano, R., & Ryan, B. (2021, September)
Information Literacy Workshops: Trials and tribulations of Public Engagement within a pandemic. Poster presented at European Conference on Information Literacy 2021, Bamberg, Germany
Project Aim: This internally funded Public Engagement| project was aimed at engaging the public of Edinburgh to provide learning opportunities on Information Literacy and onli...
Editorial: Big data technologies and applications
Journal Article
Wu, Y., Pan, Y., Barnaghi, P., Tan, Z., Ge, J., & Wang, H. (2022)
Editorial: Big data technologies and applications. Wireless Networks, 28, 1163-1167.