Machine learning and semantic analysis of in-game chat for cyber bullying
Journal Article
Murnion, S., Buchanan, W. J., Smales, A., & Russell, G. (2018)
Machine learning and semantic analysis of in-game chat for cyber bullying. Computers and Security, 76, 197-213.
One major problem with cyberbullying research is the lack of data, since researchers are traditionally forced to rely on survey data where victims and perpetrators self-report...
Teaching penetration and malware analysis in a cloud-based environment.
Presentation / Conference
Buchanan, W. J., Ramsay, B., Macfarlane, R., Smales, A., & Russell, G. (2015, June)
Teaching penetration and malware analysis in a cloud-based environment. Paper presented at UK Workshop on Cybersecurity Training & Education, Liverpool
This paper outlines evaluation of running a private Cloud-based system over two semesters at Edinburgh Napier University for two modules: Security Testing and Advanced Network...