Edinburgh Napier blazes a trail through creative awards ceremonies

Remarkable haul for our design, advertising and photography students

Date posted

8 July 2016


THE creative talents of Edinburgh Napier students have been recognised with a remarkable string of award season successes.

Our BDes (Hons) Graphic Design won Best Stand at the prestigious D & AD New Blood Awards for the third year running. The London event, which showcases the design and advertising stars of the future, also saw the University run up an impressive haul of individual awards.

Meanwhile, students from the design/photography/advertising subject group also did the university proud with four big wins at last week’s Creative Conscience Awards at the rooftop offices of the Unilever Building in London.

And a run of successes for our talented photographers is capped by news that students from 2016 BA (Hons) Photography have been invited to exhibit this month at the DECK Gallery in Singapore.

Senior staff in the School of Arts & Creative Industries said our winners at the D & AD New Blood event at London’s Truman Brewery on Thursday night were up against a truly international field.

Dr Iain Macdonald, subject group leader of Design, Photography and Advertising, said: “There were winners from many international universities and advertising schools as well as familiar UK institutions. We are proudly standing on a world stage with our winners.”

Our winners were;

D&AD Yellow Pencil - Dr Martins- Joanna Cassidy Osborne - MSc Creative Advertising

D&AD Graphite Pencil - Nationwide - Alan McLardy and Gio Isnenghi - MSc Creative Advertising

D&AD Wood Pencil - TOMS - Aisling Holling and Judit Kajel - MSc Creative Advertising

D&AD Wood Pencil - Design Bridge-  Arnas Samulis - BDes (Hons) Graphic Design

D&AD Wood Pencil -  Shutterstock - Fiona Winchester - BDes (Hons) Graphic Design

Gio, Joanna, Aisling, Judit and Al are pictured above

Individual ‘One to Watch’ notes went to Lewis Brooks and Natasha Broomfield.

Sabina Friman standing next to a mannequin 

One week earlier, the following students and alumni received Gold Awards at the Creative Conscience Awards in London, hosted by Sir Jonathon Porritt. They emerged as winners from more than 500 entries after being judged by influential industry practitioners.

Sabina Friman - Touchpoint, My Alopecia Story; Film & Photography (PICTURED)
Courtney Yule - The Endopod; Product & Structural Design (PICTURED)
Lewis Brooks - Studio Alfresco; Graphics
Yme Gorter and Paul de Ridder – Sabunman; Advertising

Courtney Yule holding a cupcake and her product

Meanwhile, in photography, Anete Atvare, Elina Kadirzhova, Susan McFadzean, Katie Matthews, Anete Tisanova & Denitsa Toshirova, Graduands, 2016 BA(Hons) Photography, have been invited to exhibit at DECK Gallery in Singapore in July as part of a collaboration between Nanyung Technological University and Edinburgh Napier.

Dafni Kalkairinou and Rebecca Sandelin, Graduands, 2016 BA(Hons) Photography, have been selected for Futureproof, best of Scottish Photography graduates in Scotland 2016, to be exhibited at The Lillie Gallery Ayr in July.

Kirsty Mclachlan, BA3, BA(Hons) Photography student was selected from open submission to exhibit in ‘Images from Mongolia’ at Edinburgh Castle organised by Friends of Scotland/Mongolia and the Embassy of Mongolia, in London.

Sophie Gerrard, Lecturer, who was commissioned by The Drug Discovery Unit at the University of Dundee, to mark the 10th anniversary of the Unit, has her work on public display outside the facilities in Dundee.