Ciaran Nelson

How did you secure your placement? And what preparation did you do when applying for placements?

BA Television student, CiaranI secured this placement through the university. I prepared by learning how to present my CV in a way that was industry standard.

What made you decide to apply for your current placement role and what appealed to you about the role?

I had a lot of personal admiration for the charity. I also wanted to try my hand at a commercial project.

What does your role entail? What activities were you involved in during your placement?

My role mostly consisted of arranging meetings and organising things. I also had to do all the relevant paperwork e.g. risk assessments. On the actual days of the film shoot I had to organise contributors and deal with logistics.

Could you please describe a typical day on placement?

A typical day would be coordinating the production team and focusing on moving things along with the end goal in mind.

What skills or qualities have you learnt and developed during your placement? And what have you gained from the experience?

I have improved my organisation and communication skills, and learned that good planning is a must at all times.

What was your most notable achievement on placement?

Learning to work with the contributors.

What advice would you give to students looking to complete a placement?

Choose something that appeals to you, something you’re passionate about. When doing the placement be as organised as you possibly can. Communication is a must at all times.

How will the placement benefit you when you return to study at the University? And how will it affect future career plans?

It will benefit me in the sense that it will prepare me for future projects and give me insight into what is required. I can learn from my mistakes and apply this to the next project.

View the film Ciaran created on his placement with The Life I Want here.