Say hello to Naoise and Lassi, our Alumni Champions for Ireland. Read a message from them below.

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Naoise McGuinness

Naoise McGuinness

Hello! I am Naoise McGuinness. In 2021 I graduated from Edinburgh Napier University with a BA(Hons) in Languages and Intercultural Communication with Tourism Management. I specialised in French, and completed my Erasmus exchange in Chambéry, France in 2019/2020.

I am currently an Executive Assistant to the COO of a staffing agency based in Cork City Ireland, where I alternate between on-site and remote working. This flexibility has given me the opportunity to explore Ireland to the fullest, and as a result I have built a strong network of contacts across the country. I am delighted to be available to any Edinburgh Napier alumni based in Ireland, whether that be for professional networking advice, or a casual pint in some of Cork City’s finest pubs! 

Graduating from ENU doesn’t have to be bittersweet. Having a strong alumni network means staying in touch with like-minded individuals and continuing the development of a professional network associated with one of Scotland’s finest universities. As your point of contact for Edinburgh Napier alumni based in or moving to Ireland, I’m happy to be of service.

To contact me, please email the alumni team on

Lassi Valkonen

Lassi Valkonen

My name is Lassi. Originally from Finland, I am the ENU Alumni Champion for Dublin.

Following my undergraduate degree (M.A. Hons. International Relations and Social Anthropology) at the University of St Andrews, I relocated to Edinburgh in 2006 and completed my MA in Screen Project Development at Edinburgh Napier’s Screen Academy Scotland. The film course was a real catalyst for connections and friendships that have lasted far beyond graduation. I have fond memories of my time at Merchiston campus.

Since the university years, I have continued to work in fields that combine creativity with business development. This includes a four-year stint in London, where I worked for a video market research agency, bringing ordinary consumer stories to life through quick street interviews, in-depth documentaries, and remote video diaries. The work was fast-paced, and the field research often sent me abroad to film locals in locations as far away as Cape Town and Bogota.

Having met during our years in Edinburgh, my Irish wife eventually managed to drag me to Ireland in the summer of 2015 and I have remained here since. I am now a busy father to three young children and take things one day at a time as I navigate my way around parenthood, entrepreneurship, and everything in between. I currently run my own business as a creative strategist, helping SMEs with branding, digital marketing, and visual storytelling.

When I am not at work or riding a playground zipline with my kids, I can often be found at sea, swimming at Killiney Beach or one of the other beautiful spots along Dublin Bay. Being Finnish, I have never been a stranger to cold exposure, but in this post-pandemic world going for a regular cold dip has certainly done wonders for my mental health.

I am a huge advocate for alumni networking and delighted to be one of ENU’s Alumni Champions in Ireland. I hope to see you at one of our upcoming events. Please reach out if you need any specific advice or are simply looking for a friendly ear.

To contact me, please email the alumni team on

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