DLP Case Study: Destination Learning from Amsterdam

A key learning point from Amsterdam is that collaboration in the city comes across strongly from the top down and the ground level up.

Diane McCrae

Senior Event Manager, The Royal Yacht Britannia

Behind the Scenes: Gaining Insights from Other Destinations

This case study highlights the aims, objectives and benefits of the residential learning journey, an important part of the Destination Leaders Programme. We hear from both programme leaders and DLP alumni on their experience of destination learning.

"One of the most significant aspects of the learning journey is when programme participants are able to identify the value of effective leadership at an individual, business and destination level and which aspects of transferable best practice can be shared from other destinations, and applied to their own respective experiences."

In March 2015, DLP Year 2 participants travelled to Amsterdam for their final learning journey, the visit offering an exceptional opportunity to see outside their own respective destinations and to allow them to reflect back on the operations and competitive positioning of their own destinations: Edinburgh, Argyll and the Isles and Scotland.  Read the full case study to find out more.

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