6 results

Time-Use, daily activities and health related quality of life of Irish youth

Journal Article
McKay, E. A., Fitzgerald, A. P., & Perry, I. (2017)
Time-Use, daily activities and health related quality of life of Irish youth. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 71(4_Supplement_1), 7111505067p1. https://doi.org/10.5014/ajot.2017.71S1-RP103D
This large cross-sectional time-use study empirically examined, for the first time, the relationship between participation in daily activity and self-reported health-related q...

“Uncharted waters”: The experience of parents of young people with mental health problems.

Journal Article
Harden, J. (2005)
“Uncharted waters”: The experience of parents of young people with mental health problems. Qualitative Health Research, 15, 207-223. https://doi.org/10.1177/1049732304269677
In this article, the author discusses the experiences of parents of young people with mental health problems and their relations with health care professionals. She conducted ...

Closing the health inequalities gap: an international perspective.

Working Paper
Crombie, I. K., Irvine, L., Elliott, L., & Wallace, H. Closing the health inequalities gap: an international perspective

Crombie, I. K., Irvine, L., Elliott, L., & Wallace, H. Closing the health inequalities gap: an international perspective
This report presents an analysis of official documents on government policies to tackle inequalities in health from 13 developed countries. All countries recognize that health...

Secondary prevention interventions for young drug users: a systematic review of the evidence.

Journal Article
Elliott, L., Orr, L. C., Jackson, A., & Watson, L. (2005)
Secondary prevention interventions for young drug users: a systematic review of the evidence. Adolescence, 40, 1-22
This paper reviews the international scientific evidence on the effectiveness of secondary prevention interventions for young drug users. The review provides insight into the ...

Training needs assessment of drug and alcohol training issues for generic health and social work staff.

Watson, H., Girvin, M., Kelly, T., Kerr, S., Hislop, J., Thow, M., …Coull, S. (2004)
Training needs assessment of drug and alcohol training issues for generic health and social work staff. Greater Glasgow NHS

Barriers encountered by the single homeless in accessing primary health care.

Presentation / Conference
Hislop, J. (2001, December)
Barriers encountered by the single homeless in accessing primary health care. Presented at Scottish Physiotherapy Research Workshop
No abstract available.