10 reasons why I should learn about HPC - School of Computing PhD Workshop Series

Start date and time

Wednesday 7 February 2018


CORE44, room C44 Merchiston Campus

High Performance Computing (HPC) is a fundamental technology used in
solving scientific problems. Many of the grand challenges of science
depend on simulations and models run on HPC facilities to make progress;
for example: protein folding, the search for the Higgs boson, and
developing nuclear fusion. In this talk, several key concepts about HPC
will be introduced. In addition, we will also talk about ARCHER, the
latest UK National Supercomputing Service, and how to make the most of
it by requesting ARCHER time or attending training courses, among others.

Speaker: Dr Juan Rodriguez Herrera (EPCC)

I joined EPCC as an Applications Developer in December 2015 after
completing a PhD in Computer Science at the University of Almeria
(Spain). At EPCC, I am currently involved in the NEXTGenIO project (an
EC H2020 project about the I/O challenge for the Exascale), and the Farr
Institute of Health Informatics Research. I am also one of the ARCHER
Helpdesk team. Occasionally I collaborate in teaching ARCHER training
courses as well as Software Carpentry and Data Carpentry workshops.