3 results

Recovery from child sexual abuse (CSA) in India: A relational framework for practice

Journal Article
Chouliara, Z., & Javita, N. (2017)
Recovery from child sexual abuse (CSA) in India: A relational framework for practice. Children and Youth Services Review, 79, 527-538. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.childyouth.2017.06.072
CSA is prevalent internationally and its negative impact can continue in adulthood. India has a high prevalence of child maltreatment. The present study recorded the ‘recoveri...

Risk Factors for Suicide and Suicidal Behavior Relevant to Emergency Health Care Settings: A Systematic Review of Post-2007 Reviews

Journal Article
McClatchey, K., Murray, J., Rowat, A., & Chouliara, Z. (2017)
Risk Factors for Suicide and Suicidal Behavior Relevant to Emergency Health Care Settings: A Systematic Review of Post-2007 Reviews. Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior, 47(6), 729-745. https://doi.org/10.1111/sltb.12336
Suicide is a global public health problem and with recent economic and societal changes, there may be emerging risk factors unrecognised by healthcare professionals. The aim o...

Social context, art making processes and creative output: a qualitative study exploring how psychosocial benefits of art participation during stroke rehabilitation occur

Journal Article
Morris, J., Toma, M., Kelly, C., Joice, S., Kroll, T., Mead, G., & Williams, B. (2016)
Social context, art making processes and creative output: a qualitative study exploring how psychosocial benefits of art participation during stroke rehabilitation occur. Disability and Rehabilitation, 38(7), 661-672. https://doi.org/10.3109/09638288.2015.1055383
PURPOSE: To explore stroke survivors' and artists' beliefs about participatory visual arts programme participation during in-patient rehabilitation to identify benefits and po...