5 results

The Mechanical and Resonance Assessment of Large Clear Samples of UK-Grown Beech Wood

Journal Article
Ridley-Ellis, D. (2019)
The Mechanical and Resonance Assessment of Large Clear Samples of UK-Grown Beech Wood. Pro Ligno, 15(4), 32-39
The paper presents the results of non-destructive longitudinal resonance (impulse excitation technique), and mechanical flexural testing, of a batch of European beech wood (Fa...

Equipping ourselves for future forests and timber.

Presentation / Conference
Ridley-Ellis, D. (2018, May)
Equipping ourselves for future forests and timber. Presented at Institute of Chartered Foresters National Conference, Edinburgh
Presentation to the Institute of Chartered Foresters National Conference, "Innovation for change - New drivers for tomorrow’s forestry" Edinburgh 2-3 May 2013 https://www.cha...

Assessing timber quality.

Presentation / Conference
Ridley-Ellis, D. (2017, October)
Assessing timber quality. Presented at 1st National Forestry and Aboriculture Student Conference
Presentation about technology for assessing timber quality, at the Royal Forestry Society Future Foresters Technology Day (1st National Forestry and Aboriculture Student Confe...

Timber properties of minor conifer species in Britain and future marketing opportunities

Presentation / Conference
Ridley-Ellis, D. (2017, May)
Timber properties of minor conifer species in Britain and future marketing opportunities. Presented at The National Forestry Conference for Ireland "an appraisal of the silvicultural and marketing potential of coniferous alternatives to Sitka spruce", Johnstown House Hotel, Enfield, Co. Meath

Computational issues regarding lattice models for wood

Conference Proceeding
Reichert, T., & Ridley-Ellis, D. (2010)
Computational issues regarding lattice models for wood. In A. Ceccotti (Ed.), 11th World Conference on Timber Engineering 2010 (WCTE 2010) (2127-2132
This paper describes means to overcome some of the computational issues related to lattice models. The first is the use of a solution technique, different from a Newton-Raphso...