5 results

The rationale and practice of gender specific employability services.

Dutton, M., Lister, B., Canduela, J., Botfield, J. & Drogony, M. (2013)
The rationale and practice of gender specific employability services. Edinburgh, Scotland: Scottish Government
As the pace of labour market activation and welfare reform increases, women are increasingly expected to engage with the labour market. In many cases this transition will be m...

Evaluating the impact of the Glasgow living wage.

Dutton, M., Raeside, R., Chen, T. & Mazza, T. (2013)
Evaluating the impact of the Glasgow living wage. Glasgow, Scotland: Glasgow City Council
The Living Wage (LW) is perceived by some to be a social and economic good. The beneficial aspects of implementing a LW is to increase employee pay, reduce household poverty a...

Health and Wellbeing of Employees in Employee Owned Businesses

McQuaid, R., Hollywood, E., Bond, S., Canduela, J., Richard, A., & Blackledge, G. (2012)
Health and Wellbeing of Employees in Employee Owned Businesses. Scotland: Employee Ownership Association
This research examines the relationship between working for an employee owned business and the levels of health and wellbeing among employees. It was carried out by the Employ...

Regionally Coherent Access and Employability Provision:Employer Demand for Business and Management Graduates.

McMurray, S., Richard, A., Dutton, M. & McQuaid, R. W. (2012)
Regionally Coherent Access and Employability Provision:Employer Demand for Business and Management Graduates. Edinburgh, Scotland: Edinburgh Napier University
This report presents findings from research with 71 employers of Edinburgh Napier University Business School (ENUBS) graduates across Scotland. Employers were asked to identif...

An Evaluation of Barnardo's Works Services

McQuaid, R., Dutton, M., Egdell, V., & Canduela, J. (2011)
An Evaluation of Barnardo's Works Services. Scotland: Barnardo's
The overall aim of the research was to evaluate the contribution of BW to young people, employers, society and in meeting national outcomes. Evidence was gathered through int...