3 results

Post-disturbance haulout behaviour of harbour seals

Journal Article
Paterson, W. D., Russell, D. J., Wu, G., McConnell, B., Currie, J. I., McCafferty, D. J., & Thompson, D. (2019)
Post-disturbance haulout behaviour of harbour seals. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 29(S1), 144-156. https://doi.org/10.1002/aqc.3092
1. The impact of anthropogenic activity associated with the construction of a proposed tidal turbine on harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) was investigated using controlled distur...

Discrepancies between theoretical and actual heating demand in Scottish modern dwellings

Conference Proceeding
Bros Williamson, J., Stinson, J., Garnier, C., & Currie, J. (2017)
Discrepancies between theoretical and actual heating demand in Scottish modern dwellings. In PLEA 2017 Proceedings - Design to Thrive, (361-368
The study reports on the differences between the actual heat consumption profiles of twelve dwellings monitored for four years and their predicted heat demand profiles as calc...

Evaluation of ventilation performance in public spaces.

Conference Proceeding
Currie, J., & Capper, G. (1998)
Evaluation of ventilation performance in public spaces. In G. Guarracino (Ed.), Proceedings, 2nd European conference on energy performance and indoor climate in buildings and 3rd international conference on indoor air quality, ventilation and energy conservation in buildings, 724-729
Smoking restrictions in the workplace and increased health consciousness at home have seen a sizable reduction in the number of spaces where smoking is permissible. The aim of...