6 results

Preparation of flexible dielectric nanocomposites using nanocellulose and recycled alum sludge for wearable technology applications

Journal Article
Sun, D., Saw, L., Onyianta, A., 'rourke, Lu, Z., Wilson, C., …Shyha, I. (2022)
Preparation of flexible dielectric nanocomposites using nanocellulose and recycled alum sludge for wearable technology applications. Materials, Methods & Technologies, 16, 149-159
With the rapid development of wearable technology, flexible dielectric materials with environmental-friendly, low-cost and high-energy efficiency characteristics are in increa...

Surface functionalisation by the introduction of self-healing properties into electroless Ni-P coatings

Journal Article
Stankiewicz, A., Kefallinou, Z., Mordarski, G., Jagoda, Z., & Spencer, B. (2019)
Surface functionalisation by the introduction of self-healing properties into electroless Ni-P coatings. Electrochimica Acta, 297, 427-434. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.electacta.2018.12.026
Ni-P∖alginate microgels coatings, as potential metallic protective coatings with self-healing properties, were deposited by the electroless method. The alginate microgels cont...

Graphene-Oxide and Hydrogel Coated FBG-Based pH Sensor for Biomedical Applications

Journal Article
Binetti, L., Stankiewicz, A., & Alwis, L. S. M. (2018)
Graphene-Oxide and Hydrogel Coated FBG-Based pH Sensor for Biomedical Applications. Proceedings, 2(13), 789. https://doi.org/10.3390/proceedings2130789
A hydrogel coated fibre grating-based pH sensor for biomedical applications has been realised, where Graphene Oxide (GO) had been used to enhance the bonding between the coati...

Investigating the fracture behavior of Portland limestone: an experimental study

Journal Article
Marinelli, A., & Stewart, M. (2018)
Investigating the fracture behavior of Portland limestone: an experimental study. Procedia Structural Integrity, 10, 104-111
An experimental investigation of the mechanical and fracture characteristics of the ‘Grove Whitbed’ Portland limestone is undertaken with the aim to enhance understanding of t...

Aqueous morpholine pre-treatment in cellulose nanofibril (CNF) production: comparison with carboxymethylation and TEMPO oxidisation pre-treatment methods

Journal Article
Onyianta, A. J., Dorris, M., & Williams, R. (2017)
Aqueous morpholine pre-treatment in cellulose nanofibril (CNF) production: comparison with carboxymethylation and TEMPO oxidisation pre-treatment methods. Cellulose, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10570-017-1631-0
In this study, pulped cellulose fibres were pre-treated with aqueous morpholine prior to mechanical disruption in the production of cellulose nanofibrils (CNF). The properties...

The effect of suspension bath composition on the composition, topography and structure of electrolessly deposited composite four-component Ni–W–P–ZrO2 coatings

Journal Article
Szczygieł, B., & Turkiewicz, A. (2008)
The effect of suspension bath composition on the composition, topography and structure of electrolessly deposited composite four-component Ni–W–P–ZrO2 coatings. Applied Surface Science, 254(22), 7410-7416. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apsusc.2008.05.342
Composite four-component Ni–W–P–ZrO2 coatings were electrolessly deposited from a bath with different concentrations of aminoacetic acid (glycine—the complexing agent), sodium...