11 results

Structural Material Demand and Associated Embodied Carbon Emissions of the United States Building Stock: 2020-2100

Journal Article
Arehart, J., Pomponi, F., D'Amico, B., & Srubar, W. (2022)
Structural Material Demand and Associated Embodied Carbon Emissions of the United States Building Stock: 2020-2100. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 186, Article 106583. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.resconrec.2022.106583
This study uses material flow analysis to estimate the material stocks and flows and associated upfront embodied carbon emissions for gravity building structural systems in th...

Global potential for material substitution in building construction: the case of cross laminated timber

Journal Article
D'Amico, B., Pomponi, F., & Hart, J. (2021)
Global potential for material substitution in building construction: the case of cross laminated timber. Journal of Cleaner Production, 279, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2020.123487
The building and construction sector is a large contributor to anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions and consumes the vastest amount of natural resources. Widely considered a...

Post-Disaster Post-Conflict Emergency Shelters: A Holistic Approach

Presentation / Conference
D'Amico, B., Pomponi, L., Montaruli, M., Alshawawreh, L., Snaddon, S., Moghayedi, A., …Pomponi, F. (2019, September)
Post-Disaster Post-Conflict Emergency Shelters: A Holistic Approach. Poster presented at RISE Awards 2019
The constrained environment dominating Post-disaster Post-sheltering design solutions often results in a lack of consideration of sustainability and social dimensions. Neglect...

Who Is (Likely) Peer-Reviewing Your Papers? A Partial Insight into the World’s Top Reviewers

Journal Article
Pomponi, F., D'Amico, B., & Rye, T. (2019)
Who Is (Likely) Peer-Reviewing Your Papers? A Partial Insight into the World’s Top Reviewers. Publications, 7(1), 15. https://doi.org/10.3390/publications7010015
Scientific publishing is experiencing unprecedented growth in terms of outputs across all fields. Inevitably this creates pressure throughout the system on a number of entitie...

Mass Customisable Roofing Solutions for the New Build and Retrofit Markets in the UK

Conference Proceeding
Plowas, W., Hairstans, R., & Felingham, J. (2018)
Mass Customisable Roofing Solutions for the New Build and Retrofit Markets in the UK. In MOC Summit Proceedings
Major house builders and contractors in the UK are seeking alternative solutions to form the structural frame of pitched roofs for various reasons; speed, health and safety, q...

The merits of varying forms of mass timber products for offsite and modular construction

Conference Proceeding
Hairstans, R., Smith, R., & Wilson, P. (2018)
The merits of varying forms of mass timber products for offsite and modular construction
Mass timber is a family of Solid Laminate Timber Systems (SLTS) formed from smaller sections of timber connected by glue, mechanical fixings, moisture movement or a combinatio...

Mass Timber - an introduction to solid laminate timber systems

Hairstans, R. (2018)
Mass Timber - an introduction to solid laminate timber systems. https://www.arcamedia.co.uk/product-page/mass-timber-an-introduction-to-solid-timber-laminate-systems: Arcamedia Ltd
The past two decades have witnessed an extraordinary upsurge in the use of mass timber products and systems in construction - a global phenomenon driven by greater emphasis on...

Understanding the compatibility of UK resource for dowel laminated timber construction

Presentation / Conference
Plowas, W., Bell, T., Hairstans, R., & Williamson, J. B. (2016, June)
Understanding the compatibility of UK resource for dowel laminated timber construction. Paper presented at Integrated Design Conference
Dowel Laminated Timber (DLT also know as Brettstapel) is a technique of constructing large-scale solid timber panels for use as structural or non-structural elements. The tech...

Knowledge transfer in timber engineering

Conference Proceeding
Hairstans, R., Dodyk, R., Kermani, A., Lawson, R., & Mackenzie, R. (2006)
Knowledge transfer in timber engineering. In 9th World Conference on Timber Engineering 2006 (WCTE 2006) (2474-2477
Napier University and Oregon Timber Frame Ltd have recently completed an award winning two year project in timber engineering. The project was conducted under the umbrella of ...

Previsione della "Transmission Loss" di pareti in mattone forato utilizzando il metodo SEA.

Conference Proceeding
Fringuellino, M., & Smith, S. (1998)
Previsione della "Transmission Loss" di pareti in mattone forato utilizzando il metodo SEA. In Atti del XXVII Convegno nazionale Associazione Italiana Acustica, 103-107
No abstract available.
8 results

Building From England's Woodlands

2022 - 2025
The focus of the project is to develop 5 building system concepts through innovative digital design, adapted to the characteristics of 5 underutilised home-grown English timber species. Each project s...
Funder: Forestry Commission England | Value: £109,975

Donaldson Timber Engineering Ltd - Modular roofing system

2016 - 2018
The project innovation is the development of a modular roofing system that can be mass customised without significantly limiting the design scope, is cost completive and reduces the likelihood of acci...
Funder: Built Environment - Smarter Transformation (formerly CSIC) | Value: £132,833

ALVA Volumetric Construction

2016 - 2018
Novel offsite construction process for manufacture of housing
Funder: Built Environment - Smarter Transformation (formerly CSIC) | Value: £61,137

Offsite Construction Hub (Hub & Spoke)

2015 - 2016
Given the knowledge, infrastructure and resource that resides within Scotland, there is a real opportunity here to be a key player in the global offsite construction market. The emphasis now is to sca...
Funder: Built Environment - Smarter Transformation (formerly CSIC) | Value: £29,638

Offsite HUB (Scotland)

2014 - 2016
To develop and pilot learning material with lead industry partners with the view to setting up a skills HUB for Offsite Construction.
Funder: UK Commission for Employment and Skills | Value: £68,484

Value adding to Scottish larch

2014 - 2015
Following on from the work carried out by the centre into potential value added uses of Phytophthora ramorum infected larch, three technologies have been identified for further investigation. The tech...
Funder: Scottish Forestry | Value: £33,783

Makar - Dowel-Laminated Timber (DLT) Research Proposal

2014 - 2015
The project will result in the use and application of an innovative low carbon timber construction technology. The project will demonstrate the products carbon benefits, overcome the technical barrie...
Funder: Scottish Funding Council | Value: £28,984

Uk CLT : Pilot manufacture, structural testing and demostration project

2014 - 2014
To oversea the structural test programme of CLT panels in a test environment and the corresponding influence the available UK fibre and current manufacturing practices have on the key mechanical prope...
Funder: Scottish Enterprise | Value: £33,939