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47 results

New Horizons in Peer Advice Systems: Developing the Freelance Advisor

Presentation / Conference
Patrick-Thomson, H., Lawson, A., & Lapok, P. (2024, April)
New Horizons in Peer Advice Systems: Developing the Freelance Advisor. Paper presented at Digital Business and Society Consortium, Royal Holloway, University of London
Work in the creative and cultural industries is often seen as “good” because it offers people a chance to earn money while engaged in their passion (McRobbie, 2018), to have a...

Foundation level barriers to the widespread adoption of digital solutions by care homes: Insights from three Scottish studies

Journal Article
Johnston, L., Koikkalainen, H., Anderson, L., Lapok, P., Lawson, A., & Shenkin, S. D. (2022)
Foundation level barriers to the widespread adoption of digital solutions by care homes: Insights from three Scottish studies. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(12), Article 7407.
The care home sector has great potential to benefit from technological innovations, and to be at the forefront of developing novel digital solutions to improve the experiences...

Height Prediction for Growth Hormone Deficiency Treatment Planning Using Deep Learning

Conference Proceeding
Ilyas, M., Ahmad, J., Lawson, A., Khan, J. S., Tahir, A., Adeel, A., …Hussain, A. (2020)
Height Prediction for Growth Hormone Deficiency Treatment Planning Using Deep Learning. In Advances in Brain Inspired Cognitive Systems. , (76-85).
Prospective studies using longitudinal patient data can be used to help to predict responsiveness to Growth Hormone (GH) therapy and assess any suspected risks. In this paper,...

Build, manage and evaluate: information practices and personal reputations on social media platforms

Journal Article
Lawson, A., Ryan, F. V., Cruickshank, P., & Hall, H. (2019)
Build, manage and evaluate: information practices and personal reputations on social media platforms. Information Research, 24(4),
Introduction. The broad theme of this paper is the use of information to build, manage and evaluate personal reputations. It reports the findings of a study that considered t...

Machine Learning for Health and Social Care Demographics in Scotland

Presentation / Conference
Buchanan, W. J., Smales, A., Lawson, A., & Chute, C. (2019, November)
Machine Learning for Health and Social Care Demographics in Scotland. Paper presented at HEALTHINFO 2019, Valencia, Spain
This paper outlines an extensive study of applying machine learning to the analysis of publicly available health and social care data within Scotland, with a focus on learning...

Evolving planar mechanisms for the conceptual stage of mechanical design

Conference Proceeding
Lapok, P., Lawson, A., & Paechter, B. (2019)
Evolving planar mechanisms for the conceptual stage of mechanical design. In GECCO '19: Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion. , (383-384).
This study presents a method to evolve planar mechanism prototypes using an evolutionary computing approach. Ultimately, the idea is to provide drafts for designers at the con...

Pathogen detection in bathing waters using microfluidic technology, image processing and deep learning

Presentation / Conference
Kerrouche, A., Muhammad, I., Rueckert, S., & Lawson, A. (2019, June)
Pathogen detection in bathing waters using microfluidic technology, image processing and deep learning. Poster presented at Research Conference, Edinburgh Napier University
Monitoring the quality of recreational waters such as beaches and rivers is becoming a global concern to protect human health (e.g. the EU Bathing Water Directive (BWD) in Eur...

Build, manage and evaluate: information practices and personal reputations on social media platforms

Presentation / Conference
Ryan, F., Hall, H., Cruickshank, P., & Lawson, A. (2019, June)
Build, manage and evaluate: information practices and personal reputations on social media platforms. Paper presented at Conceptions of Library and Information Science 10 (CoLIS10), Ljubjana, Slovenia
Introduction. The broad theme of this paper is the use of information to build, manage and evaluate personal reputations. It reports the findings of a study that considered th...

Get Your Project Funded: Using Biometric Data to Understand What Makes People Trust and Support Crowdfunding Campaigns

Conference Proceeding
Mcneill, M., Lawson, A., Raeside, R., & Peisl, T. (2018)
Get Your Project Funded: Using Biometric Data to Understand What Makes People Trust and Support Crowdfunding Campaigns. In Proceedings of the 32nd International BCS Human Computer Interaction Conference (HCI 2018)
Creating a good crowdfunding campaign is difficult. By understanding why people contribute to crowdfunding campaigns we can make campaigns better and raise more money. Crowdfu...

2-Dimensional Outline Shape Representation for Generative Design with Evolutionary Algorithms

Conference Proceeding
Lapok, P., Lawson, A., & Paechter, B. (2019)
2-Dimensional Outline Shape Representation for Generative Design with Evolutionary Algorithms. In H. Rodrigues, J. Herskovits, C. Mota Soares, A. Araújo, J. Guedes, J. Folgado, …J. Madeira (Eds.), EngOpt 2018 Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Engineering Optimization, (926-937).
In this paper, we investigate the ability of genetic representation methods to describe two-dimensional outline shapes, in order to use them in a generative design system. A s...


48 results

e-Frail - Phase 2

2017 - 2018
This project aims to extend the existing work with the e-Frail project, and integrate a range of NHS-sourced assessors with care giver and open source gathered assessors, in order to define a weighted...
Funder: Digital Health Institute | Value: £40,484

Glimpse Interactive Wellness Gestures (Factory in the lab)

2016 - 2016
The focus of the project is to use the new breed of motion sensors which can fully capture the movement of hands and fingers, and use this to create an early stage product to demonstrate how precise h...
Funder: Digital Health Institute | Value: £9,572


2016 - 2016
Analysis of transactional data provided by real time cloud based ordering systems linked within the food supply chain which targets Foodservice sector
Funder: Data Lab | Value: £19,807


2015 - 2016
Through this project Skillstep hope to successfully create an app for banks and other corporates in the financial services market to help them grow the leadership skills of graduates and millennial st...
Funder: Scottish Funding Council | Value: £5,000

e-FRAIL - Early detection of FRAilty and Illness

2015 - 2016
Scottish Frailty Framework with Mobile Device Capture and Big Data Integration. The proposed innovation will develop and extend the current work into Frailty, with the long term focus on encompassing ...
Funder: Digital Health Institute | Value: £89,428

International Cross Cultural Awareness Training

2015 - 2016
This project will develop a design and “architecture” for a system to deliver the objectives for 1-3 countries. A prototype wireframe will be built to demonstrate the system.
Funder: Scottish Funding Council | Value: £5,000


2015 - 2015
The aim of this project led by Alistair Lawson of IIDI is to develop a design for the underlying architecture of a novel virtual learning platform
Funder: Scottish Funding Council | Value: £5,000

Spellakit Feasibility Study

2015 - 2015
The overall vision of the Spellakit project is to significantly enhance learner experience and outcomes in English language spelling through an innovative ICT based approach focused on a kinesthetic m...
Funder: Scottish Funding Council | Value: £5,000

An On-Line Part-of-Speech (POS) Tagger and Gold-Standard corpus of Scottish Gaelic

2015 - 2015
Funder: Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland

To develop an on-line learning course for refresher courses in the Licensed Trade

2015 - 2015
The aim of the  project led by Alistair Lawson of IIDI is  is to investigate the development of a visually stimulating, high quality interactive on-line learning package for refresher courses for the ...
Funder: Scottish Funding Council | Value: £5,000
12 results

Design of a smart system for pathogen detection in bathing water using deep learning

2023 - date
Hemza Abdel Fettah Berkani | Director of Studies: Dr Abdelfateh Kerrouche | Second Supervisor: Alistair Lawson

Social Care Data Standardisation, Integration and Interoperability

2022 - date
Heidi Koikkalainen | Director of Studies: Alistair Lawson | Second Supervisor: Dr Peter Barclay

Enhancing Labour Market Intelligence using Machine Learning

2021 - date
Mr Aleksander Bielinski | Director of Studies: Dr David Brazier | Second Supervisor: Dr Dimitra Gkatzia

Everyday data for Covid19 from mHealth devices: The PAIDUR Framework

2019 - date
Dr Colin Brown | Director of Studies: Alistair Lawson | Second Supervisor: Dr Peter Barclay

Advancements in privacy enhancing technologies for machine learning

2018 - date
Adam Hall | Director of Studies: Prof Bill Buchanan | Second Supervisor: Dr Nick Pitropakis

Enabling female student interaction in synchronous virtual classrooms in Saudi Higher Education

2017 - 2022
Najla Alamri | Director of Studies: Prof Sally Smith | Second Supervisor: Dr Colin Smith

Conception, implementation and empirical evaluation of a domain-specific language for multi-agent traffic and transport simulations

2016 - date
Benjamin Hoffmann | Director of Studies: Dr Neil Urquhart | Second Supervisor: Dr Kevin Chalmers

Evolving planar mechanisms for the conceptual stage of mechanical design

2015 - 2020
Dr Paul Lapok | Director of Studies: Alistair Lawson | Second Supervisor: Prof Ben Paechter

Test-bed and evaluation of a home-based adverse event prediction infrastructure

2013 - 2021
The "Frailty Framework" is the development of a next generation health assessment and predictive analysis system. It will...
Adrian Smales | Director of Studies: Prof Bill Buchanan | Second Supervisor: Alistair Lawson

Reputation management in a digital world: The role of online information in the building, management, and evaluation of personal reputations

2013 - 2019
This PhD is concerned with the role of online information in...
Dr Frances Ryan | Director of Studies: Prof Hazel Hall | Second Supervisor: Alistair Lawson
