6 results

From “dirty” oil and gas to green energy: Workers’ views on skills transition

Presentation / Conference
Heidl, B., O'Neil, J., & Bratton, A. (2024, April)
From “dirty” oil and gas to green energy: Workers’ views on skills transition. Presented at 42nd International Labour Process Conference 2024 (ILPC 2024), Göttingen
As the environmental agenda progresses worldwide, it is clear that the move to sustainable forms of energy is both crucial and inevitable. For UK workers currently employed in...

The emotional labour of teleworkers conducting online counselling during Covid-19.

Journal Article
O'Neil, J., Heidl, B. H., Bratton, A., Vossler, A., & Moller, N. (in press)
The emotional labour of teleworkers conducting online counselling during Covid-19. New Technology, Work and Employment, https://doi.org/10.1111/ntwe.12284
Drawing on emotional labour theory, this paper explores the barriers to emotionally complex telework, with a specific focus on the space, interface and pace of work. We examin...

All Zoomed out!: A critical analysis of new technology and remote working for practitioner counsellors during the Covid-19 pandemic

Presentation / Conference
O'Neil, J., Heidl, B., & Bratton, A. (2021, April)
All Zoomed out!: A critical analysis of new technology and remote working for practitioner counsellors during the Covid-19 pandemic. Paper presented at The International Labour Process Conference, London [Online]

The impact of team-focussed transformational and ethical leadership on team innovation: an investigation of the role of team engagement and team developmental climate

Heidl, B. H. The impact of team-focussed transformational and ethical leadership on team innovation: an investigation of the role of team engagement and team developmental climate. (Thesis)
Edinburgh Napier University. Retrieved from http://researchrepository.napier.ac.uk/Output/2070785
PURPOSE: The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the impact of transformational leadership and ethical leadership on innovation. Drawing on social learning and social inf...

Unlocking hospitality managers career transitions through applying Schein’s career anchors theory

Journal Article
McGuire, D., Polla, G., & Heidl, B. (2017)
Unlocking hospitality managers career transitions through applying Schein’s career anchors theory. European Journal of Training and Development, 41(7), 578-592. https://doi.org/10.1108/ejtd-04-2016-0022
Purpose This paper seeks to unlock the career transitions of hospitality managers through applying Schein’s career anchors theory. It seeks to understand how Schein’s Career ...

Human resource development in the Nordic countries.

Book Chapter
Heidl, B. H., & Dusoye, I. C. (2016)
Human resource development in the Nordic countries. In T. N. Garavan, A. M. McCarthy, & M. J. Morley (Eds.), Global Human Resource DevelopmentNew York: Taylor & Francis
Abstract not available.

