9 results

A methodology for composing well-defined character descriptions.

Paterson, T., Cannon, A., Raguenaud, C., Russell, G., Armstrong, K. E., MacDonald, S. M., …Kennedy, J. (2003)
A methodology for composing well-defined character descriptions
Taxonomy has been described as “the science of documenting biodiversity”, which involves collecting, naming, describing, identifying and classifying specimens of organisms (Ke...

Accurate rapid simulation of urban traffic using discrete modelling.

Russell, G., Shaw, P. & Ferguson, N. (1995)
Accurate rapid simulation of urban traffic using discrete modelling
Increasing model complexity has traditionally been viewed as a key way of improving microscopic model accuracy. However, with complexity comes an increase in execution time. I...

Simulating vehicular traffic flows using the Circal System.

Russell, G., Cowie, A., McInnes, J., Bate, M. & Milne, G. (1993)
Simulating vehicular traffic flows using the Circal System
Modern civil engineers have big problems on their hands; more cars use our road networks every year, leading to ever increasing congestion. Knowing how to change a road networ...

Rapid simulation of urban traffic using FPGAs.

Russell, G., Shaw, P., McInnes, J. & Ferguson, N. (1993)
Rapid simulation of urban traffic using FPGAs
Microscopic simulation of complex traffic models can take hours or even days on simulators build to run on a single processor machine. These simulators use continuous models f...

An object-based processor cache.

Russell, G. & Shaw, P. (1992)
An object-based processor cache
In the past, many persistent object-oriented architecture designs have been based on traditional processor technologies. Such architectures invariantly attempt to insert an ob...

A survey of architectures for memory resident databases.

Russell, G. & Cockshott, W. P. (1992)
A survey of architectures for memory resident databases
Persistent object oriented architectures have been researched for many years, deriving initially from the Manchester University Atlas machine. In reality however, few actual i...

A multiple-stack register file.

Russell, G. & Shaw, P. (1992)
A multiple-stack register file.

Memory resident databases: reliability, compression and performance.

Cockshott, W. P., Cowie, A., Russell, G. & McGregor, D. (1992)
Memory resident databases: reliability, compression and performance.
The paper argues that recent developments in non-volatile solid-state store allow a new implementation paradigm for databases. This involves replacing slow rotating storage wi...

A stack-based register set.

Russell, G. & Shaw, P. (1992)
A stack-based register set.
Register windowing has become a common sight in high speed processors, reducing the memory traffic required to preserve register contents over sub-routine invocations. However...



