3 results

Wind resource assessment in the Edinburgh region

Conference Proceeding
Irshad, W., Goh, K., & Kubie, J. (2009)
Wind resource assessment in the Edinburgh region. In 2009 World Non-Grid-Connected Wind Power and Energy Conferencehttps://doi.org/10.1109/wnwec.2009.5335836
In recent years, a growing number of manufacturers have produced small wind turbines that are suitable for utilization of wind energy by individual householders or small busin...

Models for the estimation of building integrated photovoltaic systems in urban environments

Journal Article
Clarke, P., Muneer, T., Davidson, A. & Kubie, J. (2008)
Models for the estimation of building integrated photovoltaic systems in urban environments. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy. 222(1), 61-67. doi:10.1243/09576509jpe474. ISSN 0957-6509
Growing concerns of global warming has spurred a rapid growth in micro-renewable technologies. Technologies, which can be integrated into building structures, such as photovol...

Models for Estimating Solar Radiation and Illuminance From Meteorological Parameters

Journal Article
Muneer, T., Gul, M. S., & Kubie, J. (2000)
Models for Estimating Solar Radiation and Illuminance From Meteorological Parameters. Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, 122(3), 146. https://doi.org/10.1115/1.1313529
Sunshine fraction, cloud amount, temperature, and global irradiation are the most commonly measured meteorological parameters. In this article five models based mainly on the ...



