9 results

Building Towards Automated Cyberbullying Detection: A Comparative Analysis

Journal Article
Al Harigy, L. M., Al Nuaim, H. A., Moradpoor, N., & Tan, Z. (2022)
Building Towards Automated Cyberbullying Detection: A Comparative Analysis. Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience, 2022, Article 4794227. https://doi.org/10.1155/2022/4794227
The increased use of social media between digitally anonymous users, sharing their thoughts and opinions, can facilitate participation and collaboration. However, it’s this an...

Newly Engineered Energy-based Features for Supervised Anomaly Detection in a Physical Model of a Water Supply System

Journal Article
Robles-Durazno, A., Moradpoor, N., McWhinnie, J., Russell, G., & Tan, Z. (2021)
Newly Engineered Energy-based Features for Supervised Anomaly Detection in a Physical Model of a Water Supply System  . Ad hoc networks, 120, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.adhoc.2021.102590
Industrial Control Systems (ICS) are hardware, network, and software, upon which a facility depends to allow daily operations to function. In most cases society takes the oper...

Implementation and Evaluation of Physical, Hybrid, and Virtual Testbeds for Cybersecurity Analysis of Industrial Control Systems

Journal Article
Robles-Durazno, A., Moradpoor, N., McWhinnie, J., Russell, G., & Porcel-Bustamante, J. (2021)
Implementation and Evaluation of Physical, Hybrid, and Virtual Testbeds for Cybersecurity Analysis of Industrial Control Systems. Symmetry, 13(3), https://doi.org/10.3390/sym13030519
Industrial Control Systems are an essential part of our daily lives and can be found in industries such as oil, utilities, and manufacturing. Rapid growth in technology has in...

Insider Threat Detection Using Supervised Machine Learning Algorithms on an Extremely Imbalanced Dataset

Journal Article
Moradpoor, N., & Hall, A. (2020)
Insider Threat Detection Using Supervised Machine Learning Algorithms on an Extremely Imbalanced Dataset. International Journal of Cyber Warfare and Terrorism, 10(2), https://doi.org/10.4018/IJCWT.2020040101
An insider threat can take on many forms and fall under different categories. This includes: malicious insider, careless/unaware/uneducated/naïve employee, and third-party con...

Employing a Machine Learning Approach to Detect Combined Internet of Things Attacks Against Two Objective Functions Using a Novel Dataset

Journal Article
Foley, J., Moradpoor, N., & Ochen, H. (2020)
Employing a Machine Learning Approach to Detect Combined Internet of Things Attacks Against Two Objective Functions Using a Novel Dataset. Security and Communication Networks, 2020, 1-17. https://doi.org/10.1155/2020/2804291
One of the important features of Routing Protocol for Low-Power and Lossy Networks (RPL) is Objective Function (OF). OF influences an IoT network in terms of routing strategie...

PLC Memory Attack Detection and Response in a Clean Water Supply System

Journal Article
Robles-Durazno, A., Moradpoor, N., McWhinnie, J., Russell, G., & Maneru-Marin, I. (2019)
PLC Memory Attack Detection and Response in a Clean Water Supply System. International Journal of Critical Infrastructure Protection, 26, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijcip.2019.05.003
Industrial Control Systems (ICS) are frequently used in manufacturing and critical infrastructures like water treatment, chemical plants, and transportation schemes. Citizens ...

A Learning-based Neural Network Model for the Detection and Classification of SQL Injection Attacks

Journal Article
Sheykhkanloo, N. M. (2017)
A Learning-based Neural Network Model for the Detection and Classification of SQL Injection Attacks. International Journal of Cyber Warfare and Terrorism, 7(2), 16-41. https://doi.org/10.4018/ijcwt.2017040102
Structured Query Language injection (SQLi) attack is a code injection technique where hackers inject SQL commands into a database via a vulnerable web application. Injected SQ...

A Pattern Recognition Neural Network Model for Detection and Classification of SQL Injection Attacks

Journal Article
Moradpoor Sheykhkanloo, N. (2015)
A Pattern Recognition Neural Network Model for Detection and Classification of SQL Injection Attacks. International Journal of Computer, Electrical, Automation, Control and Information Engineering, 9(6), 1443-1453
Thousands of organisations store important and confidential information related to them, their customers, and their business partners in databases all across the world. The st...

IIDWBA algorithm for integrated hybrid PON with wireless technologies for next generation broadband access networks

Journal Article
Moradpoor, N., Parr, G., McClean, S., & Scotney, B. (2013)
IIDWBA algorithm for integrated hybrid PON with wireless technologies for next generation broadband access networks. Optical Switching and Networking, 10(4), 439-457. doi:10.1016/j.osn.2013.08.003
Optical and wireless technology integration has been proposed as one of the most promising nominees for the next-generation broadband access networks for quite some time. Inte...