14 results

STEAM for generating collaborative, creative, inclusive approaches to immunisation awareness

Presentation / Conference
Healy, C., Macdonald, I., Firth, R., Gray-Brunton, C., Wimbish, D., & Malone, E. (2024, April)
STEAM for generating collaborative, creative, inclusive approaches to immunisation awareness. Presented at ESAI Conference 2024, Maynooth University, Ireland

Supporting and harnessing the reflections of a trans-disciplinary academic team to power HPV education by STEAM

Presentation / Conference
Healy, C., Macdonald, I., Firth, R., Gray Brunton, C., & Malone, E. (2023, March)
Supporting and harnessing the reflections of a trans-disciplinary academic team to power HPV education by STEAM. Presented at Education Studies Association Ireland 2023, Belfast

Using STEAM to power HPV vaccine awareness and advocacy among Irish post-primary students

Presentation / Conference

Raising HPV Vaccine Awareness and Advocacy Through STEAM Workshops

Presentation / Conference

Using STEAM to power HPV vaccine awareness and advocacy among Irish post-primary students

Presentation / Conference

Supporting and enhancing student agency in feedback processes: using a novel feedback tool in the creative industries

Presentation / Conference
Cochrane, R., & Firth, R. (2021, June)
Supporting and enhancing student agency in feedback processes: using a novel feedback tool in the creative industries. Paper presented at Assessment in Higher Education (AHE) Conference 2020, Manchester
This paper focuses on students’ use of a novel programme-focused feedback tool we have developed and utilised across Product Design at Edinburgh Napier University. In the cont...

Interdisciplinary Co-creation for active learning of immunology concepts

Presentation / Conference

Crossing national and disciplinary boundaries to learn through co-creation

Presentation / Conference

How Can Science and Design use Playful Learning to Co-Design Visual Interpretations of Immunology Concepts?

Presentation / Conference

Carousel: a study on collaboration within a small international design community of practice and its impacts on delivering ‘one week’ exchange experiences

Presentation / Conference
Stoltenberg, E., Firth, R., & Taks, M. (2017, September)
Carousel: a study on collaboration within a small international design community of practice and its impacts on delivering ‘one week’ exchange experiences. Paper presented at 19th International Conference on Engineering & Product Design Education (E&PDE 2017), Oslo, Norway
To prepare students for their future careers in a globalizing society, several large-scale higher education student and staff exchange programmes focus on international collab...