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52 results

A review of seagrass cover, status and trends in Africa

Journal Article
The recognition of the benefits that seagrasses contribute has enhanced the research interest in these marine ecosystems. Seagrasses provide critical goods and services and su...

An evidence-based approach to identifying resting sites of Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra) from camera-trap and field-sign data

Journal Article
Findlay, M. A., Briers, R. A., Ingledew, R. P., & James Ciaran White, P. (2023)
An evidence-based approach to identifying resting sites of Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra) from camera-trap and field-sign data. Wildlife Biology, 2023(1), Article e01036.
Mammals' resting sites (dens) are important features of their ecology. Eurasian otter Lutra lutra resting sites are strictly protected by UK and European legislation and are o...

Effects of pile driving sound playbacks and cadmium co-exposure on the early life stage development of the Norway lobster, Nephrops norvegicus

Journal Article
Stenton, C., Bolger, E., Michenot, M., Dodd, J., Wale, M., Briers, R., …Diele, K. (2022)
Effects of pile driving sound playbacks and cadmium co-exposure on the early life stage development of the Norway lobster, Nephrops norvegicus. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 179, Article 113667.
There is an urgent need to understand how organisms respond to multiple, potentially interacting drivers in today’s world. The effects of the pollutants of anthropogenic sound...

Quantification and Characterisation of Pre-Production Pellet Pollution in the Avon-Heathcote Estuary/Ihutai, Aotearoa-New Zealand

Journal Article
Hunter, E. C., de Vine, R., Pantos, O., Clunies-Ross, P., Doake, F., Masterton, H., & Briers, R. A. (2022)
Quantification and Characterisation of Pre-Production Pellet Pollution in the Avon-Heathcote Estuary/Ihutai, Aotearoa-New Zealand. Microplastics, 1(1), 67-84.
Plastic pollution is threatening aquatic ecosystems and wildlife. Understanding the characteristics and extent of plastic pollution is the first step towards improving managem...

Pond ecology and conservation: research priorities and knowledge gaps

Journal Article
Hill, M. J., Greaves, H. M., Sayer, C. D., Hassall, C., Milin, M., Milner, V. S., …Wood, P. J. (2021)
Pond ecology and conservation: research priorities and knowledge gaps. Ecosphere, 12(12),
Ponds are amongst the most biodiverse and ecologically important freshwater habitats globally and may provide a significant opportunity to mitigate anthropogenic pressures and...

Multi-scale habitat selection and spatial analysis reveals a mismatch between the wintering distribution of a threatened population of Taiga Bean Geese Anser fabalis and its protected area

Journal Article
Thornton, M., Mitchell, C., Griffin, L., Briers, R., Minshull, B., Maciver, A., & White, P. (2022)
Multi-scale habitat selection and spatial analysis reveals a mismatch between the wintering distribution of a threatened population of Taiga Bean Geese Anser fabalis and its protected area. Bird Study, 68(2), 157-173.
Capsule: Our multi-scale habitat selection and spatial analysis of a threatened population of Taiga Bean Geese Anser fabalis highlights the importance of monitoring and review...

Marine invertebrate anthropogenic noise research -Trends in methods and future directions

Journal Article
Wale, M., Briers, R., & Diele, K. (2021)
Marine invertebrate anthropogenic noise research -Trends in methods and future directions. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 173(A),
Selecting the correct methods to answer one's chosen question is key to conducting rigorous, evidence-based science. A disciplines' chosen methods are constantly evolving to e...

Same data, different conclusions: Radical dispersion in empirical results when independent analysts operationalize and test the same hypothesis

Journal Article
Schweinsberg, M., Feldman, M., Van Assen, M. A. L. M., Bernstein, A., Staub, N., Sommer, S. A., …Druijff-van de Woestijne, G. B. (2021)
Same data, different conclusions: Radical dispersion in empirical results when independent analysts operationalize and test the same hypothesis. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 165, 228-249.
In this crowdsourced initiative, independent analysts used the same dataset to test two hypotheses regarding the effects of scientists’ gender and professional status on verbo...

Genetic diversity of the Nubian ibex in Oman as revealed by mitochondrial DNA

Journal Article
Al-Ghafri, M. K., White, P. J. C., Briers, R. A., Dicks, K. L., Ball, A., Ghazali, M., …Senn, H. (2021)
Genetic diversity of the Nubian ibex in Oman as revealed by mitochondrial DNA. Royal Society Open Science, 8(5),
The Nubian ibex (Capra nubiana) is patchily distributed across parts of Africa and Arabia. In Oman, it is one of the few free-ranging wild mammals found in the central and sou...

Local contributions to beta-diversity in urban pond networks: implications for biodiversity conservation and management

Journal Article
Hill, M., White, J., Biggs, J., Briers, R., Gledhill, D., Ledger, M., …Hassall, C. (2021)
Local contributions to beta-diversity in urban pond networks: implications for biodiversity conservation and management. Diversity and Distributions, 27(5), 887-900.
Aim: An understanding of how biotic communities are spatially organised is necessary to identify and prioritize habitats within landscape-scale biodiversity conservation. Loca...



