43 results

Coordination in labour market policy: the influence of governance and institutional logics.

Fuertes, V. Coordination in labour market policy: the influence of governance and institutional logics. (Thesis)
Edinburgh Napier University. Retrieved from http://researchrepository.napier.ac.uk/Output/1033234
This PhD analyses the factors that affect the existence or absence of coordination in the field of labour market policy for the long-term unemployed in three cities in Great B...

The Impact of an Ageing Workforce on Employers in Hong Kong: A Study of the Service Sector

Egdell, V., Fuertes, V., Tjandra, N., Chen, T. & Raeside, R. (2017)
The Impact of an Ageing Workforce on Employers in Hong Kong: A Study of the Service Sector. Edinburgh: Lawrence Ho Research Fund 2016-2017
No abstract available.

The Impact of an Ageing Workforce on Hong Kong’s Service Sector

Presentation / Conference
Egdell, V., Fuertes, V., Tjandra, N., & Chen, T. (2017, July)
The Impact of an Ageing Workforce on Hong Kong’s Service Sector. Paper presented at British Society of Gerontology Annual Conference 2017, Swansea, UK
The aim of this research is to explore the impact of the ageing population on employers in the Hong Kong service sector.

Women in ICT and Digital Technologies: An investigation of the barriers to women entering, staying, and progressing in the sector, and actions to ameliorate this - Executive Summary

Graham, H., Fuertes, V., Egdell, V. & Raeside, R. (2016)
Women in ICT and Digital Technologies: An investigation of the barriers to women entering, staying, and progressing in the sector, and actions to ameliorate this - Executive Summary. Edinburgh: Skills Development Scotland
This report summarises research conducted to explore the under-representation of women in the ICT and Digital Technologies sector in Scotland, and the possible reasons for, an...

Local worlds of coordinated activation policy.

Book Chapter
Zimmermann, K., Fuertes, V., & Aurich-Beerheide, P. (2016)
Local worlds of coordinated activation policy. In M. Heidenreich, & D. Rice (Eds.), Integrating social and employment policies in europe: active inclusion and challenges for local welfare governance, 235-264. Edward Elgar Publishing. https://doi.org/10.4337/9781783474929.00018
In Chapter 11 on local worlds of coordinated activation in Europe, Katharina Zimmermann, Vanesa Fuertes and Patrizia Aurich-Beerheide shed light on the role of the local level...

Personalized activation policies for the long-term unemployed: the role of local governance in the UK.

Book Chapter
Fuertes, V., & McQuaid, R. (2016)
Personalized activation policies for the long-term unemployed: the role of local governance in the UK. In M. Heidenreich, & D. Rice (Eds.), Integrating social and employment policies in europe: active inclusion and challenges for local welfare governance, 93-117. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd. https://doi.org/10.4337/9781783474929.00012
In Chapter 5 on the UK, Vanesa Fuertes and Ronald McQuaid study how coordinated activation policies, which have been a core part of the UK welfare state since at least the 199...

Personalization and street-level practice in activation: the case of the UK's work programme.

Journal Article
FUERTES, V., & LINDSAY, C. (2016)
Personalization and street-level practice in activation: the case of the UK's work programme. Public Administration, 94(2), 526-541. https://doi.org/10.1111/padm.12234
This article discusses factors shaping street-level caseworkers' role in the ‘personalization’ of activation for people with employability and health-related barriers to work....

Between cooperation and competition: The organisation of employment service delivery in the UK and Germany: Cooperation and competition in employment service delivery

Journal Article
Fuertes, V., Jantz, B., Klenk, T., & McQuaid, R. W. (2014)
Between cooperation and competition: The organisation of employment service delivery in the UK and Germany: Cooperation and competition in employment service delivery. International Journal of Social Welfare, 23(S1), S71-S86. doi:10.1111/ijsw.12100
The increased emphasis on labour market activation in many European countries has led to new forms of governance in recent decades. Primarily through qualitative data and docu...

Findings from LOCALISE.

Presentation / Conference
Fuertes, V., & McQuaid, R. W. (2014, May)
Findings from LOCALISE
LOCALISE (Local Worlds of Social Cohesion), funded by the European Commission 7th Framework Programme, has analysed the coordination of social and employment policies during t...

Day Programme: LOCALISE Event - Labour market policies from development to implementation.

Conference Proceeding
Fuertes, V. (2014)
Day Programme: LOCALISE Event - Labour market policies from development to implementation
12 results

The Impact of an Ageing Workforce on Employers in Hong Kong: A Study of Service Sectors

2016 - 2017
The aim of this research is to explore the impact of the ageing population on employers in the Hong Kong service sector.
Funder: ENU Development Trust | Value: £28,780

Women in ICT in Scotland

2015 - 2016
Investigation into the Numbers of Women working in ICT in Scotland and the nature and conditions of that work
Funder: Skills Development Scotland | Value: £26,650

Capital City Partnership - Employment and Inclusion - A Baseline Study

2014 - 2014
The aim of this project was to review the labour market and policy context for, and make an evaluation of, CCP's Joined Up For Jobs (JU4J) strategy, Edinburgh's employability agreement. An ERI researc...
Funder: Capital City Partnership | Value: £1,000

Glasgow Lone Parents Project

2013 - 2015
Exploring the challenges and opportunities facing lone parents, with children over the age of five, in receipt of out of work benefits and moving into paid work as part of the UK government’s welfare ...
Funder: Glasgow Centre for Population Health | Value: £25,063

City of all Ages review

2012 - 2013
Research Advisory group for City of all Ages including literature review
Funder: City of Edinburgh Council | Value: £3,623

LOCALISE (Local Worlds of Social Cohesion)

2011 - 2014
Funding: European Commission Duration: June 2011 - July 2014 Participating Countries: UK, Germany, Poland, Italy, France, Sweden Research Team (Edinburgh Napier University): Prof. Ron McQuaid, Vanesa ...
Funder: European Commission | Value: £210,730

EU PROGRESS: Social Experimentation for Active Ageing

2010 - 2012
Funder: EU Framework Programme 7 and FP6 and earlier programmes | Value: £19,255

Promoting Jobs Growth to Benefit Disadvant. People

2009 - 2011
Funding: Department of Enterprise, Trade and Investment, Northern Ireland Duration: April 2009 – December 2010 Research Team: Prof Ron McQuaid, Dr Ariel Bergmann, Dr Jesus Canduela, Vanesa Fuerte...
Funder: Dept. of Enterprise, Trade and Investment | Value: £54,700

Parents and Recurrent Poverty

2008 - 2008
A major reason for recurrent poverty is leaving the workforce due to childbirth and childcare and returning to low paid, insecure work. However, there are relatively few studies that give qualitative ...
Value: £1,000

Working For Families Monitoring of Client Data

2006 - 2012
Funder: Scottish Government | Value: £118,585
