6 results

Multi-walled carbon nanotube induced frustrated phagocytosis, cytotoxicity and pro-inflammatory conditions in macrophages are length dependent and greater than that of asbestos

Journal Article
Boyles, M. S., Young, L., Brown, D. M., MacCalman, L., Cowie, H., Moisala, A., …Stone, V. (2015)
Multi-walled carbon nanotube induced frustrated phagocytosis, cytotoxicity and pro-inflammatory conditions in macrophages are length dependent and greater than that of asbestos. Toxicology in Vitro, 29(7), 1513-1528. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tiv.2015.06.012
The potential toxicity of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) has been compared to pathogenic fibres such as asbestos. It is important to test this hypothesis to ascertain safe methods fo...

Investigating performance and lung function in a hot, humid and ozone-polluted environment

Journal Article
Gomes, E. C., Stone, V., & Florida-James, G. (2010)
Investigating performance and lung function in a hot, humid and ozone-polluted environment. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 110(1), 199-205. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00421-010-1485-8
Large urbanized areas, where sports events take place, have a polluted environment and can also reach high temperatures and humidity levels. The aim of this study was to inves...

Expression of Cannabinoid CB1 receptors in models of diabetic neuropathy

Journal Article
Zhang, F., Hong, S., Stone, V., & Smith, P. (2007)
Expression of Cannabinoid CB1 receptors in models of diabetic neuropathy. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 323, 508-515. https://doi.org/10.1124/jpet.107.128272
A clearer understanding of the mechanisms underlying the development and progression of diabetic neuropathy is likely to indicate new directions for the treatment of this comp...

An in vitro study of the potential of carbon nanotubes and nanofibres to induce inflammatory mediators and frustrated phagocytosis.

Journal Article
Brown, D. M., Kinloch, I. A., Bangert, U., Windle, A., Walter, D. M., Walker, G. S., …Stone, V. (2007)
An in vitro study of the potential of carbon nanotubes and nanofibres to induce inflammatory mediators and frustrated phagocytosis. Carbon, 45, 1743-1756. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.carbon.2007.05.011
There has been little information to date based on the potential health effects and hazards associated with the inhalation of carbon nanofibrous materials by workers despite t...

Interactions between ultrafine particles and transition metals in vivo and in vitro.

Journal Article
Wilson, M. R., Lightbody, J., Donaldson, K., Sales, J., & Stone, V. (2002)
Interactions between ultrafine particles and transition metals in vivo and in vitro. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, 184, 172-179. https://doi.org/10.1006/taap.2002.9501
Both the ultrafine particle and transition metal components of particulate air pollution (PM10) have been hypothesized to be important factors in determining toxicity and pote...

Size-dependent proinflammatory effects of ultrafine polystyrene particles: a role for surface area and oxidative stress in the enhanced activity of ultrafines.

Journal Article
Brown, D. M., Wilson, M. R., MacNee, W., Stone, V., & Donaldson, K. (2001)
Size-dependent proinflammatory effects of ultrafine polystyrene particles: a role for surface area and oxidative stress in the enhanced activity of ultrafines. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, 175, 191-199. https://doi.org/10.1006/taap.2001.9240
Studies into the effects of ultrafine particles in the lung have shown adverse effects considered to be due in part to the particle size. Air pollution particles (PM10) are as...


