

Qualification level

106 results

Assessment of microbial community and antimicrobial resistance associated with microplastics in organic-waste and development of smart monitoring technologies for microplastics

2024 - date
Alessandro Rimmaudo | Director of Studies: Dr Aimeric Blaud | Second Supervisor: Dr Abdelfateh Kerrouche

PhD Quantifying antibiotic resistance and antibiotic resistance selective chemicals in the River Almond Catchment Area - a baseline for risk assessment and intervention

2023 - date
Fern Fairgrieve | Director of Studies: Dr Donald Morrison

Digital twins and virtual reality: Assessing environmental impact on cognitive flexibility and creativity

2023 - date
Iyad Sawaftah | Director of Studies: Dr Marina Wimmer | Second Supervisor: Dr Suha Jaradat

Antibiotic Resistant Faecal Indicator Bacteria and Antibiotic Resistant Genes in Scottish Source Waters and Resistant Heterotrophic Bacteria in Treated Drinking Water Detected with Culture Dependent and Independent Methods

2022 - date
Muriel Chaudhri | Director of Studies: Dr Donald Morrison | Second Supervisor: Dr Fiona Stainsby

The design, implementation, and evaluation of a hybrid sport nutrition platform to support the development of Scottish youth football players

2022 - date
Saumya Khullar | Director of Studies: Dr James Dugdale | Second Supervisor: Dr Lesley Ingram-Sills

Evaluating the landscape-scale benefits of Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems for freshwater biodiversity

2022 - date
Kirsty MacArthur | Director of Studies: Prof Robert Briers | Second Supervisor: Dr Jennifer Dodd

Policing the Pandemic: the Police The Public and their relationship

2022 - date
Esme O'Donnell | Director of Studies: Dr Shane Horgan | Second Supervisor: Dr Andrew Wooff

Exploring the role of policing in the development of restorative justice in Scotland

2022 - date
Ari Drury | Director of Studies: Dr Estelle Zinsstag | Second Supervisor: Dr Jamie Buchan

Do nanomedicines have the potential to combat antimicrobial resistance?

2022 - date
Bah Umaru | Director of Studies: Dr Nick Wheelhouse | Second Supervisor: Dr Samantha Donnellan

The design, implementation, and evaluation of an hybrid sport psychology platform to support the development of Scottish youth football players

2022 - date
Mr Alban Dickson | Director of Studies: Dr James Dugdale | Second Supervisor: Prof Russell Martindale