4 results

Being a leader or being the leader: The evolution of institutionalised hierarchy

Conference Proceeding
Perret, C., Hart, E., & Powers, S. T. (2019)
Being a leader or being the leader: The evolution of institutionalised hierarchy. In ALIFE 2019: The 2019 Conference on Artificial Life, (171-178). https://doi.org/10.1162/isal_a_00158
Human social hierarchy has the unique characteristic of existing in two forms. Firstly, as an informal hierarchy where leaders and followers are implicitly defined by their pe...

If the Road You Travel Stays All Uphill: Autoethnographic perspectives of a midwifery lecturer and supervisor of midwives.

Conference Proceeding
McHugh, N. (2014)
If the Road You Travel Stays All Uphill: Autoethnographic perspectives of a midwifery lecturer and supervisor of midwives. Manuscript submitted for publication
I am a midwife with over twenty years of midwifery experience. I currently work as a lecturer in midwifery at Edinburgh Napier University and also as a supervisor of midwives ...

Owning identity-one or many-do we have a choice?

Conference Proceeding
Wigan, M. (2006)
Owning identity-one or many-do we have a choice?. In K. Michael, & M. G. Michael (Eds.), From Dataveillance to Überveillance and the realpolitik of the transparent society, 61-70
The rapid growth of databases, biometrics, and RFID has led to an environment where identity-related technologies are approaching a critical mass as a potential means of contr...

Determinants of visitor expenditure at a major sports event.

Conference Proceeding
Greig, M. & McQuaid, R. W. (2004)
Determinants of visitor expenditure at a major sports event
This paper develops a model of the determinants of visitor expenditure at a one day repeated major sporting event in Edinburgh, Scotland. An econometric model is developed tha...