9 results

Transforming Timber

Digital Artefact
Hairstans, R., Plowas, W., Livingstone, A., Connell-Skinner, K., Cramer, M., Ridley-Ellis, D., & Seminara, P. Transforming Timber. [Website content]

Hairstans, R., Plowas, W., Livingstone, A., Connell-Skinner, K., Cramer, M., Ridley-Ellis, D., & Seminara, P. Transforming Timber. [Website content]
The construction materials used since the industrial revolution now dominate the sector. This is one of the leading causes of our current climate crisis. We need alternative s...

Bright Club Edinburgh backstage

Digital Artefact
Ridley-Ellis, D. (2016)
Bright Club Edinburgh backstage. [YouTube video]
Backstage at the Bright Club Edinburgh show #37.0 (26th April 2016) Public engagement and researcher development through stand up comedy https://youtu.be/gMO0ozKJ7t4

The Forum (Wood).

Digital Artefact
Ridley-Ellis, D. (2015)
The Forum (Wood).
Contributor to pre-recorded BBC World Service programme. Is our attitude to wood changing? In Africa it’s a still the dominant fuel for daily survival and in Canada an archit...

MacAulay and Co

Digital Artefact
Ridley-Ellis, D. (2012)
MacAulay and Co
Live performance within show. BBC Radio Scotland. 25 May 2012.

BBC Radio Scotland Comedy Café.

Digital Artefact
Ridley-Ellis, D. (2011)
BBC Radio Scotland Comedy Café
Contributor to pre-recorded BBC Radio Scotland programme. Also broadcast as part of the Comedy Zone programme (13 Aug 2011)

Timber trumps.

Digital Artefact
Cavers, A. & Ridley-Ellis, D. (2008)
Timber trumps.
online (Flash) game about wood properties

Bubble hunters 3D.

Digital Artefact
Ridley-Ellis, D. (2007)
Bubble hunters 3D.
Short video invited to be shown in the 3D theatre session of the 2009 Stereoscopic Displays and Applications conference, California

firrs DVD: Exploring the science and engineering of wood.

Digital Artefact
Ridley-Ellis, D. (2006)
firrs DVD: Exploring the science and engineering of wood.
The firrs DVD features over two hours worth of videos about the science and technology of wood and the people involved. It is aimed at young people ages 12-16 and looks at a ...

Whack-a-stick discovery.

Digital Artefact
Ridley-Ellis, D. (2006)
Whack-a-stick discovery
This flash animation is a powerful simulation of the longitudinal vibration of a solid beam (the basic physics behind modern non-destructive methods of testing timber battens ...