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41 results

Privacy Fundamentalism: An Essay on Social Responsibility

Journal Article
Duff, A. S. (2020)
Privacy Fundamentalism: An Essay on Social Responsibility. Journal of Information Ethics, 29(1), 13-29
No abstract available.

Testing the expert based weights used in the UK’s Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD) against three preference-based methods

Journal Article
Watson, V., Dibben, C., Cox, M., Atherton, I., Sutton, M., & Ryan, M. (2019)
Testing the expert based weights used in the UK’s Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD) against three preference-based methods. Social Indicators Research, 144(3), 1055-1074.
The Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD), used widely in England, is an important tool for social need and inequality identification. It summarises deprivation across seven dim...

Tapping the thirdness in the intercultural space of dialogue

Journal Article
Zhou, V. X., & Pilcher, N. (2018)
Tapping the thirdness in the intercultural space of dialogue. Language and Intercultural Communication, 19(1), 23-37.
In this paper, we explore intercultural communication as dialogue occurring in a third space. Through seven students' reflective essays on group-based intercultural learning, ...

‘Intercultural competence’ as an intersubjective process: a reply to ‘essentialism’

Journal Article
Zhou, V. X., & Pilcher, N. (2018)
‘Intercultural competence’ as an intersubjective process: a reply to ‘essentialism’. Language and Intercultural Communication, 18(1), 125-143.
In this paper, we problematise a competence-oriented reflective approach to intercultural education by drawing on four students’ reflective essays about their experiential lea...

The Fellowship of the Net

Journal Article
Duff, A. S. (2017)
The Fellowship of the Net. International Journal of Public Theology, 11(2), 188-210.
The article revisits the tradition of religious socialism as a potential resource for the information age. It begins with a detailed exposition and defence of the ideas of net...

The Determinants of Well-being among Polish Economic Immigrants. Testing The Sustainable Happiness Model in Migrant Population

Journal Article
Bak-Klimek, A., Karatzias, T., Elliott, L., & MacLean, R. (2018)
The Determinants of Well-being among Polish Economic Immigrants. Testing The Sustainable Happiness Model in Migrant Population. Journal of Happiness Studies, 19, 1565–1588.
Economic migration has increased dramatically over the past decades, yet, still little is known about the well-being of economic migrants. Most studies focus on the poor menta...

On Political Epunditry

Journal Article
Duff, A. S. (2018)
On Political Epunditry. Journalism Studies, 19(10), 1507-1525.
The article develops the concept of ePunditry, a putative new lens through which to view the work of political blogging and associated digital modes. It starts by describing t...

A rewarding experience? Exploring how crowdfunding is affecting music industry business models

Journal Article
Gamble, J. R., Brennan, M., & McAdam, R. (2016)
A rewarding experience? Exploring how crowdfunding is affecting music industry business models. Journal of Business Research, 70, 25-36.
This paper provides an exploratory study of how rewards-based crowdfunding affects business model development for music industry artists, labels and live sector companies. The...

The ecology of the ePundit: surveying the new opinion-making landscape.

Journal Article
Forrest, E., & Duff, A. S. (2016)
The ecology of the ePundit: surveying the new opinion-making landscape. First Monday, 21(4),
This paper explores hybrid forms of contemporary political opinion-making online, which we name ePunditry. The ePundit utilizes Web 2.0 technologies and networks to distribute...

Rating the revolution: Silicon Valley in normative perspective

Journal Article
Duff, A. S. (2016)
Rating the revolution: Silicon Valley in normative perspective. Information, Communication and Society, 19(11), 1605-1621.
Silicon Valley, California – home of Apple, Facebook, Twitter, Google, and so on – is widely regarded as the epicentre of the information revolution. However, it is not just a...