4 results

Demonstrating the links between psychology and biology: the practical use of Biopac in undergraduate psychology teaching.

Presentation / Conference
Murray, J., Shaw, M., & Willis, A. (2016, January)
Demonstrating the links between psychology and biology: the practical use of Biopac in undergraduate psychology teaching. Paper presented at The Teaching Fellows' Conference: innovations in teaching and supporting student learning, Edinburgh Napier University
For those unfamiliar with psychology, there is often a perception that it is a subject that is all about the mind and ‘talking therapies. However, since the 1930s this has not...

Parasites of deep-sea fish Simenchelys parasitica.

Presentation / Conference
Rueckert, S. (2015, September)
Parasites of deep-sea fish Simenchelys parasitica. Poster presented at MASTS 5th Annual Science Meeting, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow

Molecular systematics of marine gregarine apicomplexans from Pacific tunicates: linking surface ultrastructure and molecular phylogeny.

Presentation / Conference
Rueckert, S. (2015, September)
Molecular systematics of marine gregarine apicomplexans from Pacific tunicates: linking surface ultrastructure and molecular phylogeny. Poster presented at European Congress of Protistology, Seville, Spain

'Skills Passport' for Life Sciences at Edinburgh Napier University: Helping students to help themselves.

Presentation / Conference
Campbell, S. A., Durkin, P., MacCallum, J., & MacNab, A. (2015, June)
'Skills Passport' for Life Sciences at Edinburgh Napier University: Helping students to help themselves. Paper presented at QAA Enhancement and Innovation in Higher Education Conference
Developing graduates with the appropriate skills for future employment is an issue that affects every sector of industry. Research within the Life Sciences sector in Scotland ...