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50 results

Developing Visualisations to Enhance an Insider Threat Product: A Case Study

Conference Proceeding
Graham, M., Kukla, R., Mandrychenko, O., Hart, D., & Kennedy, J. (2021)
Developing Visualisations to Enhance an Insider Threat Product: A Case Study. In 2021 IEEE Symposium on Visualization for Cyber Security (VizSec) (47-57).
This paper describes the process of developing data visualisations to enhance a commercial software platform for combating insider threat, whose existing UI, while perfectly f...

Design and Evaluation of Visualisation Techniques to Facilitate Argument Exploration

Journal Article
Khartabil, D., Collins, C., Wells, S., Bach, B., & Kennedy, J. (2021)
Design and Evaluation of Visualisation Techniques to Facilitate Argument Exploration. Computer Graphics Forum, 40(6), 447-465.
This paper reports the design and comparison of three visualizations to represent the structure and content within arguments. Arguments are artefacts of reasoning widely used ...

Visual Encodings for Networks with Multiple Edge Types

Conference Proceeding
Vogogias, T., Archambault, D. W., Bach, B., & Kennedy, J. (2020)
Visual Encodings for Networks with Multiple Edge Types. In AVI '20: Proceedings of the International Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces.
This paper reports on a formal user study on visual encodings of networks with multiple edge types in adjacency matrices. Our tasks and conditions were inspired by real proble...

Constructing and Evaluating Visualisation Task Classifications: Process and Considerations

Journal Article
Kerracher, N., & Kennedy, J. (2019)
Constructing and Evaluating Visualisation Task Classifications: Process and Considerations. Computer Graphics Forum, 36(3), 47-59.
Categorising tasks is a common pursuit in the visualisation research community, with a wide variety of taxonomies, typologies, design spaces, and frameworks having been develo...

BayesPiles: Visualisation Support for Bayesian Network Structure Learning

Journal Article
Vogogias, A., Kennedy, J., Archambault, D., Bach, B., Smith, V. A., & Currant, H. (2018)
BayesPiles: Visualisation Support for Bayesian Network Structure Learning. ACM transactions on intelligent systems and technology, 10(1), 1-23.
We address the problem of exploring, combining and comparing large collections of scored, directed networks for understanding inferred Bayesian networks used in biology. In th...

Using a task classification in the visualisation design process for task understanding and abstraction: an empirical study

Conference Proceeding
Kerracher, N., Kennedy, J., & Chalmers, K. (2018)
Using a task classification in the visualisation design process for task understanding and abstraction: an empirical study. In J. Johansson, F. Sadlo, & T. Schreck (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2018 Eurographics Conference on Visualization (EuroVis 2018) - Short Papers, (79-83).
Task classifications are widely purported to be useful in the design process, with various suggestions having been made for their use at the different stages. However, little ...

Pathways for Theoretical Advances in Visualization

Journal Article
Chen, M., Grinstein, G., Johnson, C. R., Kennedy, J., & Tory, M. (2017)
Pathways for Theoretical Advances in Visualization. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 37(4), 103-112.
There is little doubt that having a theoretic foundation will benefit the field of visualization, including its main subfields: information visualization, scientific visualiza...

MLCut: exploring multi-level cuts in dendrograms for biological data

Conference Proceeding
Vogogias, A., Kennedy, J., Archambault, D., Anne Smith, V., & Currant, H. (2016)
MLCut: exploring multi-level cuts in dendrograms for biological data. In C. Turkay, & T. Ruan Wan (Eds.), Computer Graphics and Visual Computing (CGVC)
Choosing a single similarity threshold for cutting dendrograms is not sufficient for performing hierarchical clustering analysis of heterogeneous data sets. In addition, alter...

Telling stories about dynamic networks with graph comics.

Conference Proceeding
Bach, B., Kerracher, N., Hall, K. W., Carpendale, S., Kennedy, J., & Henry Riche, N. (2016)
Telling stories about dynamic networks with graph comics. In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI'16), (1-13).
In this paper, we explore graph comics as a medium to communicate changes in dynamic networks. While previous research has focused on visualizing dynamic networks for data exp...

Large-scale Argument Visualization (LSAV)

Conference Proceeding
Khartabil, D., Wells, S., & Kennedy, J. (2016)
Large-scale Argument Visualization (LSAV). In Eurographics Conference on Visualization (EuroVis), Posters Track (2016)
Arguments are structures of premises and conclusions that underpin rational reasoning processes. Within complex knowledge domains, especially if they are contentious, argument...
6 results

Security Visualisation

2018 - 2022
To optimise the ZoneFox product through the development and incorporation of effective information visualisation tools for generating insight through visual exploration and discovery of relationships ...
Funder: Innovate UK | Value: £184,993

KTP Delta DNA (Games Analytics)

2014 - 2016
To analyse in game communications to predict engagement of players.
Funder: Innovate UK | Value: £133,098


2014 - 2014
Successful completion of project. Deliverable of demonstrative prototype for showing visual inter-relationships of policies, roles and data access achieved and integrated into SymphonicTrust's product...
Funder: Scottish Funding Council | Value: £5,000


2014 - 2014
A prototype visualisation which demonstrated the advantages of dynamic representations of genomes over standard static diagrams was developed. This used the d3 library to allow interactive layering of...
Funder: Scottish Funding Council | Value: £5,000

Biological Visualisation Network - BioVisNet

2014 - 2017
Biology is a visually grounded scientific discipline-from the way data is collected and analysed to the manner in which the results are communicated to others. Traditionally pictures in scientific pub...
Funder: Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council | Value: £151,201

Scottish Woodlands KTP

2013 - 2014
Scottish Woodlands Ltd is Scotland's leading independent full-service forest management company. It is also the second largest operator in the UK, with a network of 17 offices operating throughout Sco...
Funder: Innovate UK | Value: £110,222