3 results

Modelling of nonuniform magnetic field effects on partially magnetised Y-junction circulator

Chung, H. Modelling of nonuniform magnetic field effects on partially magnetised Y-junction circulator. (Thesis)
Edinburgh Napier University. Retrieved from http://researchrepository.napier.ac.uk/id/eprint/2563
The success of modelling partially magnetised linear 3-port junction circulator, which is non-uniformly biased, depends chiefly on the precise representation of the strength o...

The IntelCities community of practice.

Journal Article
Deakin, M. & Allwinkle, S. (2006)
The IntelCities community of practice. International Journal of Knowledge, Culture, and Change in Organizations: Annual Review. 6, 155-162. ISSN 1447-9524
Sets out the integrated community model of electronically enhanced governance services developed by IntelCities to represent its e-Learning platform, knowledge management syst...

The IntelCities learning platform, knowledge management system and digital library for semantically interoperable e-governance services.

Journal Article
Deakin, M., Allwinkle, S., Campbell, F. H. & Wong, C. (2004)
The IntelCities learning platform, knowledge management system and digital library for semantically interoperable e-governance services. International Journal of Knowledge, Culture, and Change in Organizations: Annual Review. 6, 155-162. ISSN 1447-9524
Sets out the integrated community model of electronically enhanced governance services developed by IntelCities to represent its e-Learning platform, knowledge management syst...